API Version
Product Catalog

During the process of signing up customers to subscriptions, use the Estimates API to evaluate the details of the purchase before actually signing them up. The details returned by the API include the invoice amounts, next billing date and unbilled charges.

For example, consider that you are creating a new subscription or update an existing one. Use the Estimates API before that to deduce the details such as the amount the customer would be charged, the state the subscription would be in after creation or updation, and so on.

If you have configured the Avalara integration, Chargebee retrieves the tax amount from Avalara for the invoice. This counts against your Avalara API limits.

Sample estimate [ JSON ]

{ "created_at": 1612964957, "invoice_estimate": { "amount_due": 1100, "amount_paid": 0, "credits_applied": 0, "currency_code": "USD", "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceaKFNz", "date": 1612964957, "line_item_discounts": [], "line_item_taxes": [ { "is_non_compliance_tax": false, "is_partial_tax_applied": false, "line_item_id": "li___test__8asyKSOceaN3O1", "object": "line_item_tax", "tax_amount": 91, "tax_name": "Tax", "tax_rate": 10, "taxable_amount": 909 }, { "is_non_compliance_tax": false, "is_partial_tax_applied": false, "line_item_id": "li___test__8asyKSOceaNSO2", "object": "line_item_tax", "tax_amount": 9, "tax_name": "Tax", "tax_rate": 10, "taxable_amount": 91 } ], "line_items": [ { "amount": 1000, "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceaKFNz", "date_from": 1612964957, "date_to": 1615384157, "description": "basic USD", "discount_amount": 0, "entity_id": "basic-USD", "entity_type": "plan_item_price", "id": "li___test__8asyKSOceaN3O1", "is_taxed": true, "item_level_discount_amount": 0, "object": "line_item", "pricing_model": "per_unit", "quantity": 1, "tax_amount": 91, "tax_rate": 10, "unit_amount": 1000 }, { "amount": 100, "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceaKFNz", "date_from": 1612964957, "date_to": 1615384157, "description": "Day Pass USD Monthly", "discount_amount": 0, "entity_id": "day-pass-USD", "entity_type": "addon_item_price", "id": "li___test__8asyKSOceaNSO2", "is_taxed": true, "item_level_discount_amount": 0, "object": "line_item", "pricing_model": "flat_fee", "quantity": 1, "tax_amount": 9, "tax_rate": 10, "unit_amount": 100 } ], "object": "invoice_estimate", "price_type": "tax_inclusive", "recurring": true, "round_off_amount": 0, "sub_total": 1100, "taxes": [ { "amount": 100, "description": "Tax @ 10%", "name": "Tax", "object": "tax" } ], "total": 1100 }, "object": "estimate", "subscription_estimate": { "currency_code": "USD", "next_billing_at": 1615384157, "object": "subscription_estimate", "status": "active" } }



Model Class

created_at created_at
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
The time at which this estimate got generated
optional, subscription_estimate
Represents the subscription details when the 'estimate' operations are invoked.
optional, list of subscription_estimate
Is a list of estimated subscriptions i.e., an array of subscription_estimate objects. It is generated when 'Create an estimate for purchase' operation is invoked
optional, invoice_estimate
Represents the preview of the invoice generated immediately when the 'estimate' operations are invoked.
optional, list of invoice_estimate
Is a list of estimated invoices i.e., an array of invoice_estimate objects. It is generated when 'Create an estimate for unbilled charges' operation is invoked
optional, invoice_estimate
Represents the preview of the invoice generated at term end when the 'estimate' operations are invoked.
optional, list of credit_note_estimate
Represents the preview of the credit-notes generated during 'estimate' operation. Currently applicable only for the 'Update Subscription Estimate' operation.
optional, list of unbilled_charge
Represents the preview of the unbilled charges generated during 'estimate' operation. Currently not applicable for the ‘Subscription renewal estimate’ operation.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
The date on which subscription will be resumed. Applicable only to paused or scheduled pause subscriptions
Show attributes [+]
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
The date on which subscription will be resumed. Applicable only to paused or scheduled pause subscriptions
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
The date on which subscription will be paused. Applicable only to paused or scheduled pause subscriptions
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
The date on which subscription will be paused. Applicable only to paused or scheduled pause subscriptions
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Date on which the next billing happens. This will be null for non-renewing and cancelled subscriptions.
Show attributes [+]
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Date on which the next billing happens. This will be null for non-renewing and cancelled subscriptions.
optional, enumerated string
Applicable only when End-of-trial Action has been enabled for the site. Whenever the subscription has a trial period, this attribute (parameter) is returned (required) and specifies the operation to be carried out for the subscription once the trial ends.
Possible values are
site_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is not defined for the plan.plan_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is defined for the plan.activate_subscriptionThe subscription activates and charges are raised for non-metered items.cancel_subscriptionThe subscription cancels.
Show all values[+]
Show attributes [+]
optional, enumerated string
Applicable only when End-of-trial Action has been enabled for the site. Whenever the subscription has a trial period, this attribute (parameter) is returned (required) and specifies the operation to be carried out for the subscription once the trial ends.
optional, enumerated string
The status of the subscription.
Possible values are
futureThe subscription is scheduled to start at a future date.in_trialThe subscription is in trial.activeThe subscription is active and will be charged for automatically based on the items in it.non_renewingThe subscription will be canceled at the end of the current term.
Show all values[+]
optional, enumerated string
The status of the subscription.
string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the subscription.
Show attributes [+]
required, string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the subscription.
optional, string, max chars=50
The identifier of the subscription
optional, string, max chars=50
The identifier of the subscription
optional, shipping_address
Represents the shipping address when the 'estimate' operations are invoked.
Show attributes [+]
optional, shipping_address
Represents the shipping address when the 'estimate' operations are invoked.
optional, contract_term
Represents the contract terms when the 'estimate' operations are invoked.
Show attributes [+]
optional, contract_term
Represents the contract terms when the 'estimate' operations are invoked.
optional, string, max chars=100
A unique identifier for the customer this invoice belongs to
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=100
A unique identifier for the customer this invoice belongs to
optional, in cents, min=0
Indicates the rounded-off amount. For example, if your invoice amount is $99.99, and the amount is rounded off to $100.00, in this case, $100.00 is your invoice amount, $0.01 is the round_off_amount. If there is no round-off amount, it will display 0.
Show attributes [+]
optional, in cents, min=0
Indicates the rounded-off amount. For example, if your invoice amount is $99.99, and the amount is rounded off to $100.00, in this case, $100.00 is your invoice amount, $0.01 is the round_off_amount. If there is no round-off amount, it will display 0.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Invoice amount due in cents
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Invoice amount due in cents
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Existing outstanding payments if any, applied to this invoice in cents.
Show attributes [+]
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Existing outstanding payments if any, applied to this invoice in cents.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
credits applied to this invoice in cents.
Show attributes [+]
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
credits applied to this invoice in cents.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Invoice total in cents.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Invoice total in cents.
in cents, min=0
Invoice sub-total in cents.
required, in cents, min=0
Invoice sub-total in cents.
string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the invoice.
Show attributes [+]
required, string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the invoice.
enumerated string, default=tax_exclusive
The price type of this invoice.
Possible values are
tax_exclusiveAll amounts in the document are exclusive of tax.tax_inclusiveAll amounts in the document are inclusive of tax.
Show all values[+]
required, enumerated string, default=tax_exclusive
The price type of this invoice.
boolean, default=true
Whether or not the estimate for the invoice is recurring. Will be 'true' or 'false' for subscription related estimates.
required, boolean, default=true
Whether or not the estimate for the invoice is recurring. Will be 'true' or 'false' for subscription related estimates.
optional, list of line_item
The details of the line items in this invoice estimate.


Line items that meet both the following conditions are not returned:

  • The line item belongs to an item price whose parent item is metered.
  • The line_item.amount is 0.

optional, list of line_item
The details of the line items in this invoice estimate.


Line items that meet both the following conditions are not returned:

  • The line item belongs to an item price whose parent item is metered.
  • The line_item.amount is 0.
optional, list of discount
The list of discounts applied to this estimate
optional, list of discount
The list of discounts applied to this estimate
optional, list of tax
The list of taxes applied to this estimate
optional, list of tax
The list of taxes applied to this estimate
optional, list of line_item_tax
The list of taxes applied on line items
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_tax
The list of taxes applied on line items
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for this line item
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for this line item
optional, list of line_item_discount
The list of discount(s) applied for each line item of this invoice.
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_discount
The list of discount(s) applied for each line item of this invoice.
optional, string, max chars=100
A unique identifier for the customer this credit note belongs to
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=100
A unique identifier for the customer this credit note belongs to
optional, in cents, min=0
Indicates the rounded-off amount. For example, if your invoice amount is $99.99, and the amount is rounded off to $100.00, in this case, $100.00 is your invoice amount, $0.01 is the round_off_amount. If there is no round-off amount, it will display 0.
Show attributes [+]
optional, in cents, min=0
Indicates the rounded-off amount. For example, if your invoice amount is $99.99, and the amount is rounded off to $100.00, in this case, $100.00 is your invoice amount, $0.01 is the round_off_amount. If there is no round-off amount, it will display 0.
in cents, min=0
Remaining credits in cents
Show attributes [+]
required, in cents, min=0
Remaining credits in cents
in cents, min=0
Allocated credits in cents.
Show attributes [+]
required, in cents, min=0
Allocated credits in cents.
in cents, min=0
Credit note total in cents.
required, in cents, min=0
Credit note total in cents.
in cents, min=0
Invoice sub-total in cents.
required, in cents, min=0
Invoice sub-total in cents.
string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the credit note.
Show attributes [+]
required, string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the credit note.
enumerated string, default=tax_exclusive
The price type of this credit note.
Possible values are
tax_exclusiveAll amounts in the document are exclusive of tax.tax_inclusiveAll amounts in the document are inclusive of tax.
Show all values[+]
required, enumerated string, default=tax_exclusive
The price type of this credit note.
enumerated string
Credit note type
Possible values are
adjustmentAdjustment Credit NoterefundableRefundable Credit Note
Show all values[+]
required, enumerated string
Credit note type
string, max chars=50
The reference invoice id
Show attributes [+]
required, string, max chars=50
The reference invoice id
optional, list of line_item
The list of items in this estimate
optional, list of line_item
The list of items in this estimate
optional, list of discount
The list of discounts applied to this estimate
optional, list of discount
The list of discounts applied to this estimate
optional, list of tax
The list of taxes applied to this estimate
optional, list of tax
The list of taxes applied to this estimate
optional, list of line_item_tax
The list of taxes applied on line items
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_tax
The list of taxes applied on line items
optional, list of line_item_discount
The list of discount(s) applied for each line item of this invoice.
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_discount
The list of discount(s) applied for each line item of this invoice.
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for this line item
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for this line item
Indicates that this resource has been deleted.
required, boolean
Indicates that this resource has been deleted.
optional, string, max chars=50

Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, boolean, default=false
The value of this parameter will be true if it is a recurring unbilled charge for a future term.
Show attributes [+]
optional, boolean, default=false
The value of this parameter will be true if it is a recurring unbilled charge for a future term.
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating when the unbilled charge was last updated
required, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating when the unbilled charge was last updated
optional, string, max chars=39
The decimal representation of the unit amount for the entity. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the entity is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=39
The decimal representation of the unit amount for the entity. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the entity is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
optional, string, max chars=33
The decimal representation of the quantity of this entity. Returned when the entity is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=33
The decimal representation of the quantity of this entity. Returned when the entity is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
optional, string, max chars=39
The decimal representation of the amount for the charge, in major units of the currency. Typically equals to unit_amount_in_decimal x quantity_in_decimal. Returned when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=39
The decimal representation of the amount for the charge, in major units of the currency. Typically equals to unit_amount_in_decimal x quantity_in_decimal. Returned when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating the date and time this charge got voided.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating the date and time this charge got voided.
boolean, default=false
Will be true if the charge has been voided. Usually the unbilled charge will be voided and revised to different charges(s) during proration.
required, boolean, default=false
Will be true if the charge has been voided. Usually the unbilled charge will be voided and revised to different charges(s) during proration.
optional, string, max chars=100
The identifier of the modelled entity this charge is based on. Will be null for 'adhoc' entity type.
optional, string, max chars=100
The identifier of the modelled entity this charge is based on. Will be null for 'adhoc' entity type.
enumerated string
Specifies the modelled entity this line item is based on.
Possible values are
adhocIndicates that this lineitem is not modelled. i.e created adhoc. So the 'entity_id' attribute will be null in this caseplan_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on plan Item Priceaddon_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on addon Item Pricecharge_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on charge Item Price
Show all values[+]
Show attributes [+]
required, enumerated string
Specifies the modelled entity this line item is based on.
optional, string, max chars=250
Detailed description about this charge.
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=250
Detailed description about this charge.
optional, in cents, min=0
Total discounts for this charge.
Show attributes [+]
optional, in cents, min=0
Total discounts for this charge.
string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) for the charge.
Show attributes [+]
required, string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) for the charge.
optional, in cents, min=0
Total amount of this charge. Typically equals to unit amount x quantity.
optional, in cents, min=0
Total amount of this charge. Typically equals to unit amount x quantity.
optional, integer, min=0
Quantity of the item which is represented by this charge.
optional, integer, min=0
Quantity of the item which is represented by this charge.
optional, enumerated string
The pricing scheme for this line item.
Possible values are
flat_feeA fixed price that is not quantity-based.per_unitA fixed price per unit quantity.tieredThe per unit price is based on the tier that the total quantity falls in.volumeThere are quantity tiers for which per unit prices are set. Quantities are purchased from successive tiers.
Show all values[+]
Show attributes [+]
optional, enumerated string
The pricing scheme for this line item.
optional, in cents, min=0
Unit amount of the charge item.
Show attributes [+]
optional, in cents, min=0
Unit amount of the charge item.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
End date of this charge.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
End date of this charge.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Start date of this charge.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Start date of this charge.
optional, string, max chars=50
A unique identifier for the subscription this charge belongs to.
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=50
A unique identifier for the subscription this charge belongs to.
optional, string, max chars=50
A unique identifier for the customer being charged.
Show attributes [+]
optional, string, max chars=50
A unique identifier for the customer being charged.
optional, string, max chars=40
Uniquely identifies an unbilled charge.
optional, string, max chars=40
Uniquely identifies an unbilled charge.
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for this line item
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for this line item

Generates an estimate for creating a subscription when the customer does not exist in Chargebee. This estimate API can be called when the customer has not yet signed up and you want to preview how a new subscription would look like for them.

Note: Estimate operations do not make any changes in Chargebee; hence this API does not create an actual customer or subscription record.

See also
  • Estimate a purchase: an operation that estimates a purchase representing multiple subscriptions bought together by a customer.

The response contains one or more of the following objects:

  • subscription_estimate: The subscription details like the status of the subscription (such as in_trial or active), next billing date, and so on.
  • invoice_estimate:The details of the immediate invoice, if there is one. If the subscription is created in trial/future states, invoice_estimate is unavailable as no immediate invoice is generated.
  • next_invoice_estimate:This is returned when an immediate invoice is not generated. It contains the details of the invoice that will be generated on the next billing date of the subscription.
  • unbilled_charge_estimates: This contains the details of charges that have not been invoiced. This is returned only if the invoice_immediately parameter is set to false.


Sample Request
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/estimates/create_subscription_for_items \
     -u {site_api_key}:\
     -d billing_address[line1]="PO Box 9999" \
     -d billing_address[city]="Walnut" \
     -d billing_address[zip]="91789" \
     -d billing_address[country]="US" \
     -d customer[taxability]="TAXABLE" \
     -d subscription_items[item_price_id][0]="basic-USD" \
     -d subscription_items[billing_cycles][0]=2 \
     -d subscription_items[quantity][0]=1 \
     -d subscription_items[item_price_id][1]="day-pass-USD" \
     -d subscription_items[unit_price][1]=100 
# Create subscription with tier price override
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/estimates/create_subscription_for_items \
     -u {site_api_key}:\
     -d billing_address[line1]="PO Box 9999" \
     -d billing_address[city]="Walnut" \
     -d billing_address[zip]="91789" \
     -d billing_address[country]="US" \
     -d customer[taxability]="EXEMPT" \
     -d subscription_items[item_price_id][0]="basic-USD-yearly" \
     -d subscription_items[billing_cycles][0]=2 \
     -d subscription_items[quantity][0]=1 \
     -d item_tiers[item_price_id][0]="basic-USD-yearly" \
     -d item_tiers[starting_unit][0]=1 \
     -d item_tiers[ending_unit][0]=10 \
     -d item_tiers[price][0]=1000 \
     -d item_tiers[item_price_id][1]="basic-USD-yearly" \
     -d item_tiers[starting_unit][1]=11 \
     -d item_tiers[ending_unit][1]=20 \
     -d item_tiers[price][1]=2500 \
     -d item_tiers[item_price_id][2]="basic-USD-yearly" \
     -d item_tiers[starting_unit][2]=21 \
     -d item_tiers[price][2]=4000 
# Create subscription with trial
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/estimates/create_subscription_for_items \
     -u {site_api_key}:\
     -d billing_address[line1]="PO Box 9999" \
     -d billing_address[city]="Walnut" \
     -d billing_address[zip]="91789" \
     -d billing_address[country]="US" \
     -d subscription_items[item_price_id][0]="basic-USD-weekly" 
# Create subscription with unbilled charges
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/estimates/create_subscription_for_items \
     -u {site_api_key}:\
     -d invoice_immediately=false \
     -d billing_address[line1]="PO Box 9999" \
     -d billing_address[city]="Walnut" \
     -d billing_address[zip]="91789" \
     -d billing_address[country]="US" \
     -d subscription_items[item_price_id][0]="basic-USD" \
     -d subscription_items[billing_cycles][0]=2 \
     -d subscription_items[quantity][0]=1 \
     -d subscription_items[item_price_id][1]="day-pass-USD" \
     -d subscription_items[unit_price][1]=100 
Click to Copy

Sample Response [ JSON ]

Show more...
    "estimate": {
        "created_at": 1612964957,
        "invoice_estimate": {
            "amount_due": 1100,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceaKFNz",
            "date": 1612964957,
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [
                    "is_non_compliance_tax": false,
                    "is_partial_tax_applied": false,
                    "line_item_id": "li___test__8asyKSOceaN3O1",
                    "object": "line_item_tax",
                    "tax_amount": 91,
                    "tax_name": "Tax",
                    "tax_rate": 10,
                    "taxable_amount": 909
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 1000,
                    "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceaKFNz",
                    "date_from": 1612964957,
                    "date_to": 1615384157,
                    "description": "basic USD",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                    "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                    "id": "li___test__8asyKSOceaN3O1",
                    "is_taxed": true,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 91,
                    "tax_rate": 10,
                    "unit_amount": 1000
            "object": "invoice_estimate",
            "price_type": "tax_inclusive",
            "recurring": true,
            "round_off_amount": 0,
            "sub_total": 1100,
            "taxes": [
                    "amount": 100,
                    "description": "Tax @ 10%",
                    "name": "Tax",
                    "object": "tax"
            "total": 1100
        "object": "estimate",
        "subscription_estimate": {
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "next_billing_at": 1615384157,
            "object": "subscription_estimate",
            "status": "active"




optional, integer, min=0
The number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling. If not provided, then the billing cycles set for the plan-item price is used.
optional, list of string
Item ids of mandatorily attached addons that are to be removed from the subscription.
optional, integer, min=1
The number of subscription billing cycles (including the first one) to invoice in advance.
optional, enumerated string
Override the billing alignment mode for Calendar Billing. Only applicable when using Calendar Billing. The default value is that which has been configured for the site.
Possible values are
immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
Show all values[+]
optional, list of string
List of coupons to be applied to this subscription. You can provide coupon ids or coupon codes.
optional, boolean
If there are charges raised immediately for the subscription, this parameter specifies whether those charges are to be invoiced immediately or added to unbilled charges. The default value is as per the site settings.
Note: invoice_immediately only affects charges that are raised at the time of execution of this API call. Any charges scheduled to be raised in the future are not affected by this parameter.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
The document date displayed on the invoice PDF. By default, it is the date of creation of the invoice or, when Metered Billing is enabled, it can be the date of closing the invoice. Provide this value to backdate the invoice (set the invoice date to a value in the past). Backdating an invoice is done for reasons such as booking revenue for a previous date or when the non-recurring charge is effective as of a past date. taxes and line_item_taxes are computed based on the tax configuration as of this date. The date should not be more than one calendar month into the past. For example, if today is 13th January, then you cannot pass a value that is earlier than 13th December.
optional, string, max chars=50
Indicates the Client profile id for the customer. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
optional, integer, min=1
optional, enumerated string
Possible values are
dayCharge based on day(s)weekCharge based on week(s)monthCharge based on month(s)yearCharge based on year(s)
Show all values[+]
optional, integer, min=1, max=100
optional, enumerated string
Possible values are
site_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is not defined for the plan.plan_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is defined for the plan.activate_subscriptionThe subscription activates and charges are raised for non-metered items.cancel_subscriptionThe subscription cancels.
Show all values[+]
optional, string, max chars=150
optional, string, max chars=150
optional, string, max chars=150
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, string, max chars=20
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
Possible values are
not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
Show all values[+]
optional, string, max chars=150
optional, string, max chars=150
optional, string, max chars=150
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, string, max chars=20
optional, string, max chars=50
optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
Possible values are
not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
Show all values[+]
optional, string, max chars=20
optional, string, max chars=10
optional, boolean
optional, enumerated string, default=taxable
Possible values are
taxableComputes tax for the customer based on the site configuration. In some cases, depending on the region, shipping_address is needed. If not provided, then billing_address is used to compute tax. If that’s not available either, the tax is taken as zero.exempt
  • Customer is exempted from tax. When using Chargebee’s native Taxes feature or when using the TaxJar integration, no other action is needed.
  • However, when using our Avalara integration, optionally, specify entity_code or exempt_number attributes if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Sales or specify exemption_details attribute if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration. Tax may still be applied by Avalara for certain values of entity_code/exempt_number/exemption_details based on the state/region/province of the taxable address.
Show all values[+]
optional, enumerated string
Possible values are
aFederal governmentbState governmentcTribe/Status Indian/Indian BanddForeign diplomat
Show all values[+]
optional, string, max chars=100
optional, jsonarray
optional, enumerated string
Possible values are
residentialWhen the purchase is made by a customer for home usebusinessWhen the purchase is made at a place of businesssenior_citizenWhen the purchase is made by a customer who meets the jurisdiction requirements to be considered a senior citizen and qualifies for senior citizen tax breaksindustrialWhen the purchase is made by an industrial business
Show all values[+]
optional, enumerated string
Possible values are
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, default=0
    required, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=39
    optional, integer, min=0
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string, default=forever
    Possible values are
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, integer
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=39
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    Generates an estimate without creating a subscription. This endpoint can be called when you want to preview details of a new subscription before actually creating one.

    See also
    • Estimate a purchase: an operation that estimates a purchase representing multiple subscriptions bought together by a customer.


    The following conditions must be met or tax calculation is ignored:

    • The taxability attribute for the customer is true.
    • shipping_address is passed when needed for tax calculation.
    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/customers/__test__8aspfRrLYZEd2/create_subscription_for_items_estimate \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d subscription_items[item_price_id][0]="basic-USD" \
         -d subscription_items[billing_cycles][0]=2 \
         -d subscription_items[quantity][0]=1 \
         -d subscription_items[item_price_id][1]="day-pass-USD" \
         -d subscription_items[unit_price][1]=100 
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1612964956,
            "invoice_estimate": {
                "amount_due": 1100,
                "amount_paid": 0,
                "credits_applied": 0,
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcea0qNl",
                "date": 1612964956,
                "line_item_discounts": [],
                "line_item_taxes": [],
                "line_items": [
                        "amount": 1000,
                        "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcea0qNl",
                        "date_from": 1612964956,
                        "date_to": 1615384156,
                        "description": "basic USD",
                        "discount_amount": 0,
                        "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                        "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                        "id": "li___test__8asyKSOcea6xNq",
                        "is_taxed": false,
                        "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                        "object": "line_item",
                        "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "tax_amount": 0,
                        "unit_amount": 1000
                "object": "invoice_estimate",
                "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                "recurring": true,
                "round_off_amount": 0,
                "sub_total": 1100,
                "taxes": [],
                "total": 1100
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "next_billing_at": 1615384156,
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "status": "active"

    URL Format POST



    optional, boolean, default=true
    The generated invoice_estimate/next_invoice_estimate will include all the balances - Promotional Credits, Refundable Credits, and Excess Payments - if any. If you don’t want these balances to be included you can specify 'false' for the parameter use_existing_balances.
    optional, boolean
    If there are charges raised immediately for the subscription, this parameter specifies whether those charges are to be invoiced immediately or added to unbilled charges. The default value is as per the site settings.
    Note: invoice_immediately only affects charges that are raised at the time of execution of this API call. Any charges scheduled to be raised in the future are not affected by this parameter.
    optional, integer, min=0
    The number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling. If not provided, then the billing cycles set for the plan-item price is used.
    optional, list of string
    Item ids of mandatorily attached addons that are to be removed from the subscription.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The number of subscription billing cycles (including the first one) to invoice in advance.
    optional, enumerated string
    Override the billing alignment mode for Calendar Billing. Only applicable when using Calendar Billing. The default value is that which has been configured for the site.
    Possible values are
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The document date displayed on the invoice PDF. By default, it is the date of creation of the invoice or, when Metered Billing is enabled, it can be the date of closing the invoice. Provide this value to backdate the invoice (set the invoice date to a value in the past). Backdating an invoice is done for reasons such as booking revenue for a previous date or when the non-recurring charge is effective as of a past date. taxes and line_item_taxes are computed based on the tax configuration as of this date. The date should not be more than one calendar month into the past. For example, if today is 13th January, then you cannot pass a value that is earlier than 13th December.
    optional, list of string
    List of coupons to be applied to this subscription. You can provide coupon ids or coupon codes.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    dayCharge based on day(s)weekCharge based on week(s)monthCharge based on month(s)yearCharge based on year(s)
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1, max=100
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    site_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is not defined for the plan.plan_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is defined for the plan.activate_subscriptionThe subscription activates and charges are raised for non-metered items.cancel_subscriptionThe subscription cancels.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=20
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=20
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, default=0
    required, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=39
    optional, integer, min=0
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string, default=forever
    Possible values are
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, integer
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=39
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    Returns an estimate for updating a subscription.

    In the response,

    • subscription_estimate: The details of the changed subscription such as status, next billing date, and so on.
    • invoice_estimate:The details of the immediate invoice, if it is generated. An immediate invoice is not generated when:
      • end_of_term parameter is true
      • prorate parameter is false
      • No changes are made to the plan item prices or addon item prices in subscription_items.
      • For changes such as quantity downgrades.
    • next_invoice_estimate:The details of the invoice to be generated later (if any) on the occasion that no immediate invoice has been generated.
    • credit_note_estimates:The list of credit notes (if any) generated during this operation.
    • unbilled_charge_estimates: The details of charges that have not been invoiced. This is returned only if the invoice_immediately parameter is set to false.


    The following conditions must be met or tax calculation is ignored:

    • The taxability attribute for the customer is true.
    • Necessary parameters for tax calculation such as the following are passed: billing_address, shipping_address, customer[vat_number]
    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/estimates/update_subscription_for_items \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d invoice_immediately=true \
         -d subscription[id]="__test__8aspfRrLYaAEA" \
         -d subscription_items[item_price_id][0]="basic-USD" \
         -d subscription_items[quantity][0]=4 \
         -d subscription_items[unit_price][0]=1000 
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1612964966,
            "credit_note_estimates": [],
            "invoice_estimate": {
                "amount_due": 3000,
                "amount_paid": 0,
                "credits_applied": 0,
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcecJ8PM",
                "date": 1612964966,
                "line_item_discounts": [],
                "line_item_taxes": [],
                "line_items": [
                        "amount": 3000,
                        "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcecJ8PM",
                        "date_from": 1612964966,
                        "date_to": 1615384165,
                        "description": "basic USD - Prorated Charges",
                        "discount_amount": 0,
                        "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                        "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                        "id": "li___test__8asyKSOcecf6PY",
                        "is_taxed": false,
                        "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                        "object": "line_item",
                        "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                        "quantity": 3,
                        "subscription_id": "__test__8asyKSOcecNUPP",
                        "tax_amount": 0,
                        "unit_amount": 1000
                "object": "invoice_estimate",
                "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                "recurring": true,
                "round_off_amount": 0,
                "sub_total": 3000,
                "taxes": [],
                "total": 3000
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "id": "__test__8asyKSOcecNUPP",
                "next_billing_at": 1615384165,
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "status": "active"

    URL Format POST



    optional, list of string
    Item ids of mandatorily attached addons that are to be removed from the subscription.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    If true then the existing subscription_items list for the subscription is replaced by the one provided. If false then the provided subscription_items list gets added to the existing list.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The document date displayed on the invoice PDF. The default value is the current date. Provide this value to backdate the invoice. Backdating an invoice is done for reasons such as booking revenue for a previous date or when the subscription is effective as of a past date. Moreover, if create_pending_invoices is set to true, and if the site is configured to set invoice dates to date of closing, then upon invoice closure, this date is changed to the invoice closing date. taxes and line_item_taxes are computed based on the tax configuration as of invoice_date. When passing this parameter, the following prerequisites must be met:
    • invoice_date must be in the past.
    • invoice_date is not more than one calendar month into the past. For example, if today is 13th January, then you cannot pass a value that is earlier than 13th December.
    • It is not earlier than changes_scheduled_at, reactivate_from, or trial_end.
    • invoice_immediately is true.
    optional, integer, min=0
    Billing cycles set for plan-item price is used by default.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The number of subscription billing cycles to invoice in advance. If a new term is started for the subscription due to this API call, then terms_to_charge is inclusive of this new term. See description for the force_term_reset parameter to learn more about when a subscription term is reset.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    If the subscription status is cancelled and it is being reactivated via this operation, this is the date/time at which the subscription should be reactivated.
    Note: It is recommended not to pass this parameter along with changed_scheduled_at. reactivate_from can be backdated (set to a value in the past). Use backdating when the subscription has been reactivated already but its billing has been delayed. Backdating is allowed only when the following prerequisites are met:
    • Backdating must be enabled for subscription reactivation operations.
    • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating subscription change. This limit is the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
    • The date is on or after the last date/time any of the product catalog items of the subscription were changed.
    • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the plan in the subscription is 2 months and today is 14th April, changes_scheduled_at cannot be earlier than 14th February.
    optional, enumerated string
    Override the billing alignment mode chosen for the site for calendar billing. Only applicable when using calendar billing.
    Possible values are
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, list of string
    List of coupons to be applied to this subscription. You can provide coupon ids or coupon codes.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    If true then the existing coupon_ids list for the subscription is replaced by the one provided. If false then the provided list gets added to the existing coupon_ids.
    optional, boolean
    • When true: Prorated credits or charges are created as applicable for this change.
    • When false: The subscription is changed without creating any credits or charges.
    • When not provided, the value configured in the site settings is considered.

    For further changes within the same billing term, when prorate is set to true, credits are not created when all the conditions below hold true:

    An immediate previous change was made

    • with prorate set to false and
    • no changes were made to the subscription’s billing term and
    • a change was made to either the subscription’s items or their prices.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    Set this to true if you want the update to be applied at the end of the current subscription billing cycle.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    Say the subscription has the renewal date as 28th of every month. When the plan-item price of the subscription is set to one that has the same billing period as the current plan-item price, the subscription change does not change the term. In other words, the subscription still renews on the 28th. Passing this parameter as true will have the subscription reset its term to the current date (provided end_of_term is false).
    Note: When the new plan-item price has a billing period different from the current plan-item price of the subscription, the term is always reset, regardless of the value passed for this parameter.
    optional, boolean
    Applicable only for cancelled subscriptions. When passed as true, the canceled subscription is activated; otherwise subscription changes are made without changing its status. If not passed, subscription will be activated only if subscription_items is passed.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    If true, all the unbilled charges will be included for the invoice estimate.
    optional, boolean, default=true
    The generated invoice_estimate/next_invoice_estimate will include all the balances - Promotional Credits, Refundable Credits, and Excess Payments - if any. If you don’t want these balances to be included you can specify 'false' for the parameter use_existing_balances.
    optional, boolean
    If there are charges raised immediately for the subscription, this parameter specifies whether those charges are to be invoiced immediately or added to unbilled charges. The default value is as per the site settings.
    Note: invoice_immediately only affects charges that are raised at the time of execution of this API call. Any charges scheduled to be raised in the future are not affected by this parameter.
    required, string, max chars=50
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    onWhenever an invoice is created for this subscription, an automatic charge will be attempted on the payment method available.offAutomatic collection of charges will not be made for this subscription. Use this for offline payments.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    no_preferenceNo PreferencecashCashcheckCheckbank_transferBank Transfer
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    dayCharge based on day(s)weekCharge based on week(s)monthCharge based on month(s)yearCharge based on year(s)
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    site_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is not defined for the plan.plan_defaultThe action configured for the site at the time when the trial ends, takes effect. This is the default value when trial_end_action is defined for the plan.activate_subscriptionThe subscription activates and charges are raised for non-metered items.cancel_subscriptionThe subscription cancels.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=20
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=20
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=20
    optional, string, max chars=10
    optional, boolean
    required, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=39
    optional, integer, min=0
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    full_termCharge the full price of the addon or give the full credit. Don't apply any proration.partial_termProrate the charges or credits for the rest of the current term.noneDon't apply any charges or credits for the addon.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string, default=forever
    Possible values are
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    optional, string, max chars=100
    required, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    addThe discount is attached to the subscription.removeThe discount (given by discounts[id]) is removed from the subscription. Subsequent invoices will no longer have the discount applied. Tip: If you want to replace a discount, remove it and add another in the same API call.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, integer
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=39
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    This returns an estimate of the amount that will be charged when the subscription is billed next. The estimate is calculated based on the current recurring items of the subscription - plan, addons, and coupons.

    In the response,

    • estimate.subscription_estimate has the current subscription details like its status, next billing date, and so on.
    • estimate.invoice_estimate has details of the invoice that will be generated at the next billing date.

      The generated invoice estimate will include all the balances - Promotional Credits, Refundable Credits, and Excess Payments - if any. If you don’t want these balances to be included you can specify 'false' for the parameter use_existing_balances.

      To exclude the delayed charges from the invoice estimate, specify 'false' for the parameter include_delayed_charges.


    • This API will not generate a renewal invoice if an advance invoice is already present for the subscription.
    • For 'Non Renewing' subscriptions, only the delayed charges will be included in the invoice estimate.
    • This API is not supported for 'Cancelled' subscriptions.
    • Only the subscription's charges will be included. If you have enabled the Consolidated invoicing feature, use the Upcoming Invoices estimate available for the Customer object to get the actual estimate invoice for the customer.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__8asyKSOceZXgNK/renewal_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1517492955,
            "invoice_estimate": {
                "amount_due": 1000,
                "amount_paid": 0,
                "credits_applied": 0,
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceZS2ND",
                "line_item_discounts": [],
                "line_item_taxes": [],
                "line_items": [
                        "amount": 1000,
                        "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceZS2ND",
                        "date_from": 1519912154,
                        "date_to": 1522590554,
                        "description": "basic USD",
                        "discount_amount": 0,
                        "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                        "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                        "id": "li___test__8asyKSOceZjINU",
                        "is_taxed": false,
                        "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                        "object": "line_item",
                        "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "subscription_id": "__test__8asyKSOceZXgNK",
                        "tax_amount": 0,
                        "unit_amount": 1000
                "object": "invoice_estimate",
                "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                "recurring": true,
                "round_off_amount": 0,
                "sub_total": 1000,
                "taxes": [],
                "total": 1000
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "id": "__test__8asyKSOceZXgNK",
                "next_billing_at": 1519912154,
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "status": "active"

    URL Format GET



    optional, boolean, default=true
    If true, all the unbilled charges will be included for the invoice estimate.
    optional, boolean, default=true
    The generated invoice_estimate/next_invoice_estimate will include all the balances - Promotional Credits, Refundable Credits, and Excess Payments - if any. If you don’t want these balances to be included you can specify 'false' for the parameter use_existing_balances.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    if true, ignores scheduled cancellation for non renewing subscription.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    If true, ignores all recurring charges scheduled during renewal.
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    This API is used to generate an invoice estimate for preview. Estimate details include the number of billing cycles to be invoiced in advance, the number of billing cycles in one interval, advance invoicing schedules, and so on.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__KyVkjcSAl6gBw1/advance_invoice_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d invoice_immediately=false \
         -d terms_to_charge=3
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    URL Format POST



    optional, integer, default=1, min=1
    • For schedule_type = immediate: the number of future billing cycles to be invoiced in advance. The invoicing is done for the remaining_billing_cycles of the subscription if that is less than terms_to_charge.
    • For schedule_type = fixed_intervals: The number of future billing cycles in one interval. The schedule is created such that the total number of billing cycles in the schedule does not exceed the remaining_billing_cycles of the subscription.
    optional, boolean
    Whether the charge should be invoiced immediately or added to unbilled_charges. Applicable only when schedule_type is immediate.
    optional, enumerated string
    The type of advance invoice or advance invoicing schedule.
    Possible values are
    immediateCharge immediately for the number of billing cycles specified by terms_to_charge.specific_datesCharge on specific dates. For each date, specify the number of billing cycles to charge for. Up to 5 dates can be configured.fixed_intervalsCharge at fixed intervals of time. Specify the number of billing cycles that constitute an interval and the number of days before each interval that the invoice should be generated. Also specify when the schedule should end.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    after_number_of_intervalsAdvance invoices are generated a specified number of timesspecific_dateEnd the advance invoicing schedule on a specific date.subscription_endAdvance invoices are generated for as long as the subscription is active.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, integer
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    Regenerates the invoice for the current term of the subscription. The subscription must have status as active or non_renewing. This operation is not allowed when any of the following conditions hold true for the subscription:

    • An invoice exists for the current term and its status is not voided.
    • There are unbilled charges for the current term.
    • The subscription has an advance invoice.


    Returns an estimate object with one of the following components depending on the value of invoice_immediately.

    • If the value is true: an invoice_estimate object that corresponds to the regenerated invoice.
    • If the value is false: a list of unbilled_charge_estimate objects corresponding to all the unbilled charges created for the current term of the subscription.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__KyVnOuSHufvfo16/regenerate_invoice_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d invoice_immediately=true
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__KyVnOuSHufpzqv/regenerate_invoice_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d invoice_immediately=false \
         -d date_from=1518344700 \
         -d date_to=1519381500 \
         -d prorate=true
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    URL Format POST



    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The start date of the period being invoiced. The default value is current_term_start.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The end date of the period being invoiced. The default value is current_term_end.
    optional, boolean
    Whether the charges should be prorated according to the term specified by date_from and date_to. Should not be passed without date_from and date_to.
    optional, boolean
    Only applicable when Consolidated Invoicing is enabled for the customer. Set to false to leave the current term charge for the subscription as unbilled. Once you have done this for all suitable subscriptions of the customer, call Create an invoice for unbilled charges to invoice them.
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    Estimate of the upcoming scheduled invoices (subscription activations, renewals etc) of a customer. For now preview of the invoices generated on the immediate upcoming date is supported. Say a customer has couple of subscription renewals scheduled on Jan,10th and another subscription renewal scheduled on Jan,15th. This API gives the preview of all the invoices scheduled to be generated on Jan,10th (immediate upcoming date).

    In the response:

    • estimate.invoice_estimates[] has details of the invoices scheduled to be generated.

    Note: If consolidated invoicing is enabled you may use this API to test whether upcoming renewals are consolidated.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/customers/__test__8asyKSOcec7pP6/upcoming_invoices_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1517492965,
            "invoice_estimates": [
                    "amount_due": 2000,
                    "amount_paid": 0,
                    "credits_applied": 0,
                    "currency_code": "USD",
                    "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcec7pP6",
                    "date": 1517492965,
                    "line_item_discounts": [],
                    "line_item_taxes": [],
                    "line_items": [
                            "amount": 1000,
                            "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcec7pP6",
                            "date_from": 1517492965,
                            "date_to": 1519912165,
                            "description": "basic USD",
                            "discount_amount": 0,
                            "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                            "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                            "id": "li___test__8asyKSOcecDPPF",
                            "is_taxed": false,
                            "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                            "object": "line_item",
                            "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "subscription_id": "__test__8asyKSOcecBvPD",
                            "tax_amount": 0,
                            "unit_amount": 1000
                    "object": "invoice_estimate",
                    "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                    "recurring": true,
                    "round_off_amount": 0,
                    "sub_total": 2000,
                    "taxes": [],
                    "total": 2000
            "object": "estimate"

    URL Format GET



    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    Generates an estimate for the 'change term end' operation. This is similar to the Change term end API but the subscription’s term end will not be changed, only an estimate for this operation is created. This is applicable only for subscriptions in ‘in-trial’, ‘active’ and ‘non-renewing’ states.

    In the response,

    • estimate.subscription_estimate has the subscription details like the status of the subscription (in_trial, active, etc.), next billing date, and so on.
    • estimate.invoice_estimate has details of the invoice that will be generated immediately. This will not be present if no immediate invoice is generated for this operation. This will happen when
      • prorate parameter is false, or
      • invoice_immediately parameter is false, or
      • subscription is in in-trial state
    • estimate.credit_note_estimates[] has details of the credit-notes that will get generated during this operation. This list will be empty if no credit-note gets generated during this operation.
    • estimate.unbilled_charge_estimates[] has details of the unbilled charges. This is returned only if invoice_immediately is set as false.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__8asyKSOceZF8N6/change_term_end_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d term_ends_at=1566697500
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1517492954,
            "credit_note_estimates": [],
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "id": "__test__8asyKSOceZF8N6",
                "next_billing_at": 1566697500,
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "status": "active"

    URL Format POST



    required, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The time at which the current term should end for this subscription.
    optional, boolean
    Applicable for active / non_renewing subscriptions. If specified as true prorated charges / credits will be added during this operation.
    optional, boolean
    If there are charges raised immediately for the subscription, this parameter specifies whether those charges are to be invoiced immediately or added to unbilled charges. The default value is as per the site settings.
    Note: invoice_immediately only affects charges that are raised at the time of execution of this API call. Any charges scheduled to be raised in the future are not affected by this parameter.
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    This creates an estimate for canceling a subscription without actually canceling it. Estimate details include canceling date, unbilled charge options, refund credit handling, the amount to be credited after cancellation, and so on.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__8ass3SIVLJaId/cancel_subscription_for_items_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d credit_option_for_current_term_charges="PRORATE" \
         -d end_of_term=false
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1612964956,
            "credit_note_estimates": [
                    "amount_allocated": 1100,
                    "amount_available": 0,
                    "currency_code": "USD",
                    "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceZlINV",
                    "line_item_discounts": [],
                    "line_item_taxes": [],
                    "line_items": [
                            "amount": 1000,
                            "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOceZlINV",
                            "date_from": 1612964956,
                            "date_to": 1615384155,
                            "description": "basic USD - Prorated Credits for 10-Feb-2021 - 10-Mar-2021",
                            "discount_amount": 0,
                            "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                            "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                            "id": "li___test__8asyKSOceZyANi",
                            "is_taxed": false,
                            "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                            "object": "line_item",
                            "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "subscription_id": "__test__8asyKSOceZpONY",
                            "tax_amount": 0,
                            "unit_amount": 1000
                    "object": "credit_note_estimate",
                    "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                    "reference_invoice_id": "__demo_inv__4",
                    "round_off_amount": 0,
                    "sub_total": 1100,
                    "taxes": [],
                    "total": 1100,
                    "type": "adjustment"
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "id": "__test__8asyKSOceZpONY",
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "status": "cancelled"

    URL Format POST



    optional, boolean, default=false
    Set this to true if you want to cancel the subscription at the end of the current subscription billing cycle. The subscription status changes to non_renewing.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    Specify the date/time at which you want to cancel the subscription. This parameter should not be provided when end_of_term is passed as true. cancel_at can be set to a value in the past. This is called backdating. Use backdating when the subscription has been canceled already but its billing has been delayed. The following prerequisites must be met to allow backdating:
    • Backdating must be enabled for subscription cancellation.
    • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating subscription cancellation. This limit is typically the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
    • The date is on or after current_term_start.
    • The date is on or after the last date/time any of the following changes were made:
      • Changes in the recurring items or their prices.
      • Addition of non-recurring items.
    • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the subscription’s plan is 2 months and today is 14th April, changes_scheduled_at cannot be earlier than 14th February.
    optional, enumerated string
    For immediate cancellation (end_of_term = false), specify how to provide credits for current term charges. When not provided, the site default is considered.
    Possible values are
    noneNo credits notes are created.prorateProrated credits are issued.fullCredits are issues for the full value of the current term charges.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    For immediate cancellation (end_of_term = false), specify how to handle any unbilled charges. When not provided, the site default is considered.
    Possible values are
    invoiceAn invoice is generated immediately with the unbilled charges.deleteThe unbilled charges are deleted.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Applicable when the subscription has past due invoices. Specify this if you want to close the due invoices of the subscription. If specified as schedule_payment_collection/write_off, the due invoices of the subscription will be qualified for the selected operation after the remaining refundable credits and excess payments are applied. Note: The payment collection attempt will be asynchronous. Not applicable when 'end_of_term' is true.
    Possible values are
    no_actionNo action is taken.schedule_payment_collectionAn automatic charge for the due amount of the past invoices will be attempted on the payment method available, if customer's auto-collection property is ‘ON’.write_offThe amount due in the invoices will be written-off. Credit notes created due to write-off will not be sent in the response.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Applicable when the customer has remaining refundable credits(issued against online payments). If specified as schedule_refund, the refund will be initiated for these credits after they are applied against the subscription’s past due invoices if any. Note: The refunds initiated will be asynchronous. Not applicable when 'end_of_term' is true.
    Possible values are
    no_actionNo action is taken.schedule_refundInitiates refund of the remaining credits.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Cancels the current contract term.
    • terminate_immediately immediately does the following:
    • end_of_contract_term Sets the contract_term[action_at_term_end] to cancel. In other words, the contract term is not renewed and the subscription is canceled at the end of the contract term.
    Possible values are
    terminate_immediatelyTerminate immediatelyend_of_contract_termEnd of contract term
    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The document date displayed on the invoice PDF. The default value is the current date. Provide this value to backdate the invoice. Backdating an invoice is done for reasons such as booking revenue for a previous date or when the subscription is effective as of a past date. Moreover, if create_pending_invoices is true, and if the site is configured to set invoice dates to date of closing, then upon invoice closure, this date is changed to the invoice closing date. taxes and line_item_taxes are computed based on the tax configuration as of invoice_date. When passing this parameter, the following prerequisites must be met:
    • invoice_date must be in the past.
    • invoice_date is not more than one calendar month into the past. For example, if today is 13th January, then you cannot pass a value that is earlier than 13th December.
    • It is not earlier than cancel_at.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    Reason code for canceling the subscription. Must be one from a list of reason codes set in the Chargebee app in Settings > Configure Chargebee > Reason Codes > Subscriptions > Subscription Cancellation. Must be passed if set as mandatory in the app. The codes are case-sensitive.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=39
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    This API provides an estimate of the details pertaining to the pause_subscription operation. It returns attributes such as pause_date and resume_date. This is similar to the Pause a subscription API with the exception that the subscription is not paused. Only an estimate for this operation is created.

    In the response,

    • estimate.subscription_estimate has the subscription details.
    • estimate.invoice_estimate has details of the invoice that are generated immediately. This is not present if no immediate invoices are generated for this operation.
    • estimate.credit_note_estimates[] has details of the credit notes that are generated during this operation. This list is empty if no credit notes are generated.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__8asyKSOcebl8Oi/pause_subscription_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d pause_option="SPECIFIC_DATE" \
         -d subscription[pause_date]=1566698400 
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1517492963,
            "credit_note_estimates": [],
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "id": "__test__8asyKSOcebl8Oi",
                "next_billing_at": 1519912163,
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "pause_date": 1566698400,
                "status": "active"

    URL Format POST



    optional, enumerated string
    List of options to pause the subscription.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyPause immediatelyend_of_termPause at the end of current termspecific_datePause on a specific datebilling_cycles

    Pause at the end of the current term, and resume automatically after the number of billing cycles you specify in skip_billing_cycles

    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string

    Applicable when unbilled charges are present for the subscription and pause_option is set as immediately. Note: On the invoice raised, an automatic charge is attempted on the payment method available, if customer's auto-collection property is set to on.

    Possible values are

    Retain as unbilled

    If no_action is chosen, charges are added to the resumption invoice.


    Invoice charges

    If invoice is chosen, an automatic charge is attempted on the payment method available if the customer has enabled auto-collection. If a payment collection fails or when auto-collection is not enabled, the invoice is closed as unpaid.

    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, integer, min=1
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    Generates an estimate for the 'resume subscription' operation. This is similar to the Resume a subscription API, but the subscription will not be resumed. Only an estimate for this operation is created.

    In the response,

    • estimate.subscription_estimate has the subscription details.
    • estimate.invoice_estimate has details of the invoice that will be generated immediately. This will not be present if no immediate invoice is generated for this operation. This will happen for in-term resumption++.

      ++What is an "in-term resumption"?
      An “in-term resumption” is when the resumption happens within the billing term of the subscription.

    • estimate.next_invoice_estimate has details of the invoice that will be generated during the next billing date of this subscription. This will be present only if no immediate invoice is generated during this operation (scenario mentioned above) and this subscription has next billing.

      The generated invoice_estimate/next_invoice_estimate will include all the balances - Promotional Credits, Refundable Credits, and Excess Payments - if any.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/subscriptions/__test__8asyKSOcebwWOw/resume_subscription_estimate \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d resume_option="IMMEDIATELY"
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1517492964,
            "next_invoice_estimate": {
                "amount_due": 2000,
                "amount_paid": 0,
                "credits_applied": 0,
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcebrPOp",
                "line_item_discounts": [],
                "line_item_taxes": [],
                "line_items": [
                        "amount": 1000,
                        "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcebrPOp",
                        "date_from": 1517492964,
                        "date_to": 1519912164,
                        "description": "basic USD",
                        "discount_amount": 0,
                        "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                        "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                        "id": "li___test__8asyKSOcebyEOy",
                        "is_taxed": false,
                        "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                        "object": "line_item",
                        "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "subscription_id": "__test__8asyKSOcebwWOw",
                        "tax_amount": 0,
                        "unit_amount": 1000
                "object": "invoice_estimate",
                "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                "recurring": true,
                "round_off_amount": 0,
                "sub_total": 2000,
                "taxes": [],
                "total": 2000
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "id": "__test__8asyKSOcebwWOw",
                "next_billing_at": 1519912164,
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "status": "active"

    URL Format POST



    optional, enumerated string
    List of options to resume the subscription.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyResume immediatelyspecific_dateResume on a specific date
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Applicable when charges get added during this operation and resume_option is set as 'immediately'. Allows to raise invoice immediately or add them to unbilled charges.
    Possible values are
    invoice_immediatelyInvoice immediatelyadd_to_unbilled_chargesAdd to unbilled charges
    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    This endpoint generates an estimate for a subscription that is intended to be a gift. The estimate provides details about the gift sender, gift recipient, address details of the recipient, and the type and details of subscription items included in the gift.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/estimates/gift_subscription_for_items \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d gift[scheduled_at]=1601106050 \
         -d gifter[customer_id]="gifter" \
         -d gifter[signature]="Sam" \
         -d gift_receiver[customer_id]="receiver" \
         -d gift_receiver[first_name]="James" \
         -d gift_receiver[last_name]="William" \
         -d gift_receiver[email]="james@user.com" \
         -d subscription_items[item_price_id][0]="gift-plan-USD" \
         -d subscription_items[quantity][0]=2 \
         -d subscription_items[item_price_id][1]="day-pass-USD" 
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1612964962,
            "invoice_estimate": {
                "amount_due": 2000,
                "amount_paid": 0,
                "credits_applied": 0,
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "customer_id": "gifter",
                "date": 1612964962,
                "line_item_discounts": [],
                "line_item_taxes": [],
                "line_items": [
                        "amount": 2000,
                        "customer_id": "gifter",
                        "date_from": 1708177762,
                        "date_to": 1710683362,
                        "description": "Gift Plan USD",
                        "discount_amount": 0,
                        "entity_id": "gift-plan-USD",
                        "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                        "id": "li___test__8asyKSOcebcQOY",
                        "is_taxed": false,
                        "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                        "object": "line_item",
                        "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                        "quantity": 2,
                        "subscription_id": "__test__8asyKSOcebZjOW",
                        "tax_amount": 0,
                        "unit_amount": 1000
                "object": "invoice_estimate",
                "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                "recurring": true,
                "round_off_amount": 0,
                "sub_total": 2000,
                "taxes": [],
                "total": 2000
            "object": "estimate",
            "subscription_estimate": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "id": "__test__8asyKSOcebZjOW",
                "object": "subscription_estimate",
                "status": "future"

    URL Format POST



    optional, list of string
    List of coupons to be applied to this subscription. You can provide coupon ids or coupon codes.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, boolean, default=false
    optional, boolean
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    required, string, max chars=50
    required, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=500
    optional, string, max chars=40
    required, string, max chars=50
    required, string, max chars=150
    required, string, max chars=150
    required, string, max chars=70
    optional, string, max chars=150
    required if payment intent token provided, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=65k
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=65k
    optional, jsonobject
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=70
    optional, string, max chars=250
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=20
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, default=1, min=1
    optional, string, max chars=33
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL


    This endpoint creates an invoice estimate for non-recurring items.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/estimates/create_invoice_for_items \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d invoice[customer_id]="__test__KyVkjTS2onpk57" \
         -d item_prices[item_price_id][0]="ssl-charge-USD" \
         -d item_prices[unit_price][0]=2000 \
         -d charges[amount][0]=1000 \
         -d charges[description][0]="Adhoc charge" 
    Click to Copy

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "estimate": {
            "created_at": 1517492957,
            "invoice_estimate": {
                "amount_due": 3000,
                "amount_paid": 0,
                "credits_applied": 0,
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcea8tNt",
                "date": 1517492957,
                "line_item_discounts": [],
                "line_item_taxes": [],
                "line_items": [
                        "amount": 2000,
                        "customer_id": "__test__8asyKSOcea8tNt",
                        "date_from": 1517492957,
                        "date_to": 1517492957,
                        "description": "SSL Charge USD Monthly",
                        "discount_amount": 0,
                        "entity_id": "ssl-charge-USD",
                        "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                        "id": "li___test__8asyKSOceaEYNx",
                        "is_taxed": false,
                        "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                        "object": "line_item",
                        "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "tax_amount": 0,
                        "unit_amount": 2000
                "object": "invoice_estimate",
                "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                "recurring": false,
                "round_off_amount": 0,
                "sub_total": 3000,
                "taxes": [],
                "total": 3000
            "object": "estimate"

    URL Format POST



    required if Multicurrency is enabled, string, max chars=3
    The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the invoice amount.
    optional, string, max chars=2000
    A note for this particular invoice. This, and all other notes for the invoice are displayed on the PDF invoice sent to the customer.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    Set as true to remove the general note from this invoice.
    optional, list of string
    List of Coupons to be added.
    optional, string, max chars=40
    Authorization transaction to be captured.
    optional, string, max chars=40
    Payment source to be used for this payment.
    optional, enumerated string
    The customer level auto collection will be override if specified.
    Possible values are
    onWhenever an invoice is created, an automatic attempt will be made to charge.offWhenever an invoice is created as payment due.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The document date displayed on the invoice PDF. By default, it is the date of creation of the invoice or, when Metered Billing is enabled, it can be the date of closing the invoice. Provide this value to backdate the invoice (set the invoice date to a value in the past). Backdating an invoice is done for reasons such as booking revenue for a previous date or when the non-recurring charge is effective as of a past date. taxes and line_item_taxes are computed based on the tax configuration as of this date. The date should not be more than one calendar month into the past. For example, if today is 13th January, then you cannot pass a value that is earlier than 13th December.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=70
    optional, string, max chars=250
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=150
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=20
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=39
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, integer, min=1
    optional, integer
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=33
    optional, string, max chars=39
    optional, in cents, min=0
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    optional, in cents, min=1
    optional, string, max chars=39
    optional, string, max chars=250
    optional, boolean, default=true
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, string, max chars=50
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    wholesaleTransaction is a sale to another company that will resell your product or service to another consumerretailTransaction is a sale to an end userconsumedTransaction is for an item that is consumed directlyvendor_useTransaction is for an item that is subject to vendor use tax
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer
    optional, integer
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    optional, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    customerEntity that represents a customer.subscriptionEntity that represents a subscription of customer.couponEntity that represents a coupon.plan_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on plan Item Price
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    optional, in cents, min=0
    required, enumerated string
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    estimate estimate
    always returned
    Resource object representing estimate

    Sample admin console URL
