API Version
Product Catalog

Whenever any important changes happen in your Chargebee site, they are recorded as Events. Event contains data about affected resources and additional details such as when it occurred.

You could listen to the events in your application by configuring Webhook url and handle it based on the type of event. We post the event data as request body with content type set as application/json to your webhook url.

For example, when a subscription is cancelled due to non payment, an event "subscription_cancelled" is recorded and fired to your webhook url.

To mark a webhook notification successful, we expect the HTTP status code to be 200 from your webhook url. If we don't receive 200 response code, we retry calling your webhook with exponential time interval for next 2 days. You could also try resending it from our admin console.

API Version:

Chargebee supports multiple API versions now. The api_version attribute indicates the API version based on which the event content is structured. While processing webhooks, ensure the api_version is same as the API version used by your webhook server's client library.

Securing your Webhook URL:

You can have basic authentication for the webhook url.
  • In the Webhook Settings page (Settings > Webhooks), check the option My webhook URL is protected by basic authentication.
  • Enter Username and Password and click Update Webhook URL
Generate a random key and have it as part of your webhook url
eg. http://yourapp.com/chargebee-webhook/cuktqaem0i2fkd5jt9cdtojcn9cvb3Y

In addition to securing your webhook, you can always fetch the event from Chargebee using Retrieve an Event API call.

Ensure that you keep the secrets secret :)

Sample event [ JSON ]

{ "event": { "api_version": "v1", "content": { "customer": { "account_credits": 0, "allow_direct_debit": false, "auto_collection": "on", "card_status": "no_card", "created_at": 1517506759, "excess_payments": 0, "id": "__test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIi8Nj", "object": "customer", "refundable_credits": 0, "taxability": "taxable" }, "subscription": { "created_at": 1517506759, "due_invoices_count": 0, "has_scheduled_changes": false, "id": "__test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIi8Nj", "object": "subscription", "plan_id": "plan1", "plan_quantity": 1, "started_at": 1517506759, "status": "in_trial", "trial_end": 1518802759, "trial_start": 1517506759 } }, "event_type": "subscription_created", "id": "ev___test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIipNm", "object": "event", "occurred_at": 1517506759, "source": "api", "user": "full_access_key_v1", "webhook_status": "scheduled" } }



Model Class

string, max chars=40
Uniquely identifies a event
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating when this event had occurred.
enumerated string, default=none
Source of the event
Possible values are
admin_consoleOperation made through the Chargebee admin UIapiOperation made through the APIscheduled_jobOperation made through the Scheduled Jobshosted_pageOperation made through the Hosted Pages
Show all values[+]
optional, string, max chars=150
The “user” that triggered the event. The value depends on the source attribute:
  • When source is admin_console: the email address of the user that triggered the event.
  • When source is api, js_api or bulk_operation: the name of the API key that was used to trigger the event.
  • When the source is external_service: the name of the service that called our webhook. Eg. ADYEN, STRIPE, AMAZON_PAYMENTS etc.
  • When the source is hosted_page or portal: the user attribute is not passed.

optional, enumerated string
The types of event provided by chargebee. Refer event types for all the event types provided by us currently.
Possible values are
customer_createdSent when a customer is created. This event happens when only a new customer is created or when a customer is automatically created during new subscription creation.customer_changedSent when a customer is changedcustomer_deletedSent when a customer is deletedsubscription_createdSent when a new subscription is created.
Show all values[+]
optional, enumerated string, default=v1
The Chargebee API Version used for rendering this event content. While processing webhooks, ensure this version is same as the API version used by your webhook server's client library.
Possible values are
v1Chargebee API version V1v2Chargebee API version V2
Show all values[+]
The JSON data associated with this event. Has resources (subscription, invoice etc) based on the event type. These resources are structured based on the Chargebee API version indicated by the api_version attribute.
optional, list of webhook
Array of webhook call statuses: one for each of the webhooks configured for the site. This object is only available after the first webhook call for the event has completed or timed out. Also, creation/updation of the webhook object data is a queued operation and hence there can be an additional delay of up to 5 seconds.

This is a list of the event types we currently support. We will continue to add more events moving forward. All events follow a uniform pattern - <resource>_<event_name>. The resources that will be present in the event content are provided beneath each event type's description.

Note: If consolidated invoicing is enabled, the attributes invoice.subscription_id and credit_note.subscription_id should not be used (as it will not be present if the invoice / credit note has lines from multiple subscriptions). Instead to know the related subscriptions, their line_items' subscription_id attribute should be referred.

Triggered when a customer is created.
customer, card(optional)
Triggered when a customer is changed.
customer, card(optional)
Triggered when a customer is deleted.
customer, card(optional), subscriptions(optional)
Triggered when a new subscription is created.
subscription, customer, card(optional), invoice(optional)
Triggered when a 'future' subscription gets started.
subscription, customer, card(optional), invoice(optional)
Triggered 6 days prior to the trial period's end date.
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Triggered after the subscription has been moved from "Trial" to "Active" state.
subscription, customer, card(optional), invoice(optional)
Triggered when the subscription's recurring items are changed.
subscription, customer, card(optional), invoice(optional)
Trial Extension
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Triggered when subscription is scheduled to cancel at end of current term.
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Triggered 6 days prior to the scheduled cancellation date.
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Triggered when the subscription is cancelled. If it is cancelled due to non payment or because the card details are not present, the subscription will have the possible reason as 'cancel_reason'.
subscription, customer, card(optional), invoice(optional)
Triggered when the subscription is moved from `cancelled` `status` to `active` or `in_trial`.
subscription, customer, card(optional), invoice(optional)
Triggered when the subscription is renewed from the current term.
subscription, customer, card(optional), invoice(optional)
Triggered when scheduled cancellation is removed for the subscription.
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Triggered when shipping address is added or updated for a subscription.
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Triggered when a subscription is deleted.
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Event triggered (in the case of metered billing) when a "Pending" invoice is created that has usage related charges or line items to be added, before being closed. This is triggered only when the “Notify for Pending Invoices” option is enabled.
Event triggered when a new invoice is created except when created with status as pending. For pending invoices, this event is triggered when the invoice is closed.
Triggered when you make the following changes to a pending invoice - add a charge, add a non-recurring addon, or delete a line item.
Event triggered when an invoice is deleted.
Triggered 3 days before each subscription's renewal.
subscription, customer, card(optional)
Triggered when a transaction is recorded.
Triggered when a transaction is updated. E.g. (1) When a transaction is removed, (2) or when an excess payment is applied on an invoice, (3) or when amount_capturable gets updated.
Triggered when a transaction is deleted.
Triggered when the payment is successfully collected.
transaction, invoice, customer, subscription(optional), card(optional)
Triggered when the payment collection fails.
transaction, invoice, customer, subscription(optional), card(optional)
Triggered when a payment refund is made.
transaction, invoice, customer, subscription(optional), card(optional)
Triggered when a payment is initiated via direct debit.
transaction, invoice, customer, subscription(optional), card(optional)
Triggered when a refund is initiated via direct debit.
transaction, invoice, customer, subscription(optional), card(optional)
Triggered when a card is added for a customer.
customer, card(optional)
Triggered when the card is updated for a customer.
customer, card(optional)
Triggered when the customer's credit card is expiring soon. Triggered 30 days before the expiry date.
customer, card(optional)
Triggered when the card for a customer has expired.
customer, card(optional)
Triggered when a card is deleted for a customer.
customer, card(optional)
id id
string, max chars=40
Uniquely identifies a event
occurred_at occurred_at
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating when this event had occurred.
source source
enumerated string, default=none
Source of the event
user user
optional, string, max chars=150
The “user” that triggered the event. The value depends on the source attribute:
  • When source is admin_console: the email address of the user that triggered the event.
  • When source is api, js_api or bulk_operation: the name of the API key that was used to trigger the event.
  • When the source is external_service: the name of the service that called our webhook. Eg. ADYEN, STRIPE, AMAZON_PAYMENTS etc.
  • When the source is hosted_page or portal: the user attribute is not passed.

event_type event_type
optional, enumerated string
The types of event provided by chargebee. Refer event types for all the event types provided by us currently.
api_version api_version
optional, enumerated string, default=v1
The Chargebee API Version used for rendering this event content. While processing webhooks, ensure this version is same as the API version used by your webhook server's client library.
The JSON data associated with this event. Has resources (subscription, invoice etc) based on the event type. These resources are structured based on the Chargebee API version indicated by the api_version attribute.
optional, list of webhook
Array of webhook call statuses: one for each of the webhooks configured for the site. This object is only available after the first webhook call for the event has completed or timed out. Also, creation/updation of the webhook object data is a queued operation and hence there can be an additional delay of up to 5 seconds.

Retrieves list of events.


Sample Request
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v1/events \
     -G  \
     -u {site_api_key}:\
     --data-urlencode limit=2 \
     -d event_type[in]="subscription_created,customer_created" 
Click to Copy

Sample Response [ JSON ]

Show more...
    "list": [
            "event": {
                "api_version": "v1",
                "content": {
                    "customer": {
                        "account_credits": 0,
                        "allow_direct_debit": false,
                        "auto_collection": "on",
                        "card_status": "no_card",
                        "created_at": 1517506759,
                        "excess_payments": 0,
                        "id": "__test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIi8Nj",
                        "object": "customer",
                        "refundable_credits": 0,
                        "taxability": "taxable"
                    "subscription": {
                        "created_at": 1517506759,
                        "due_invoices_count": 0,
                        "has_scheduled_changes": false,
                        "id": "__test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIi8Nj",
                        "object": "subscription",
                        "plan_id": "plan1",
                        "plan_quantity": 1,
                        "started_at": 1517506759,
                        "status": "in_trial",
                        "trial_end": 1518802759,
                        "trial_start": 1517506759
                "event_type": "subscription_created",
                "id": "ev___test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIipNm",
                "object": "event",
                "occurred_at": 1517506759,
                "source": "api",
                "user": "full_access_key_v1",
                "webhook_status": "scheduled"

URL Format GET



optional, integer, default=10, min=1, max=100
The number of resources to be returned.
optional, string, max chars=1000
Determines your position in the list for pagination. To ensure that the next page is retrieved correctly, always set offset to the value of next_offset obtained in the previous iteration of the API call.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Returns only the events that occured at/after this time.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Returns only the events that occured at/before this time.
optional, enumerated string
Returns the events (occurred in the past 6 days) which has this status in any of the events' webhooks.
Note : To retrieve events which have occurred before the 6 day period, use the occurred_at(start_time/end_time) attribute.
Possible values are
not_configuredWebhook was not configured when this event occurredscheduledWebhook call has been scheduled.succeededWebhook call was successful.re_scheduledWebhook call has been rescheduled due failure(s) in previous call(s)
Show all values[+]
optional, enumerated string
Specify it if you need to fetch events of a particular type.
Possible values are
customer_createdSent when a customer is created. This event happens when only a new customer is created or when a customer is automatically created during new subscription creation.customer_changedSent when a customer is changedcustomer_deletedSent when a customer is deletedsubscription_createdSent when a new subscription is created.
Show all values[+]
event event
always returned
Resource object representing event
next_offset next_offset
optional, string, max chars=1000
This attribute is returned only if more resources are present. To fetch the next set of resources use this value for the input parameter `offset`.

Sample admin console URL


Retrieves a specific event identified by a unique event identifier.


Sample Request
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v1/events/ev___test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIloNr \
     -u {site_api_key}:
Click to Copy

Sample Response [ JSON ]

Show more...
    "event": {
        "api_version": "v1",
        "content": {
            "customer": {
                "account_credits": 0,
                "allow_direct_debit": false,
                "auto_collection": "off",
                "card_status": "no_card",
                "created_at": 1517506760,
                "excess_payments": 0,
                "id": "__test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIkgNn",
                "object": "customer",
                "refundable_credits": 0,
                "taxability": "taxable"
        "event_type": "customer_created",
        "id": "ev___test__5SK0bLNFRFuCIloNr",
        "object": "event",
        "occurred_at": 1517506760,
        "source": "api",
        "user": "full_access_key_v1",
        "webhook_status": "scheduled"

URL Format GET



event event
always returned
Resource object representing event

Sample admin console URL
