The line items of a quote are grouped by charge event. Each of these groups is called a quote line group. A quote would have at least one quote line group. Let’s look at an example.
Consider the following:
A monthly plan A for $500 per month.
A non-recurring addon B for $50.
Now consider a quote that is created for 3 billing cycles of the plan with the addon applied immediately. This quote would be associated with a list of quote line groups: one for each charge event as shown below:
optional, integer, default=1 Quantity of the recurring item which is represented by this line item. For
metered line items, this value is updated from
usages once when the invoice is generated as
pending and finally when the invoice is
optional, enumerated string The
pricing scheme for this item price.
Possible values are
flat_feeA fixed price that is not quantity-based.per_unitA fixed price per unit quantity.tieredThere are quantity tiers for which per unit prices are set. Quantities are purchased from successive tiers.volumeThe per unit price is based on the tier that the total quantity falls in.stairstepA quantity-based pricing scheme. The item is charged a fixed price based on the tier that the total quantity falls in.
flat_feeA fixed price that is not quantity-based.per_unitA fixed price per unit quantity.tieredThere are quantity tiers for which per unit prices are set. Quantities are purchased from successive tiers.volumeThe per unit price is based on the tier that the total quantity falls in.
stairstepA quantity-based pricing scheme. The item is charged a fixed price based on the tier that the total quantity falls in.
optional, string, max chars=39 The decimal representation of the unit amount of the line_item. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the line_item is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
optional, string, max chars=33 The decimal representation of the quantity of this line_item. Returned when the line_item is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
optional, string, max chars=39 The decimal representation of the amount for the line_item, in major units of the currency. Typically equals to unit_amount_in_decimal x quantity_in_decimal. Returned when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
enumerated string Specifies the modelled entity this line item is based on.
Possible values are
adhocIndicates that this lineitem is not modelled. i.e created adhoc. So the 'entity_id' attribute will be null in this caseplan_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on plan Item Priceaddon_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on addon Item Pricecharge_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on charge Item Price
adhocIndicates that this lineitem is not modelled. i.e created adhoc. So the 'entity_id' attribute will be null in this caseplan_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on plan Item Priceaddon_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on addon Item Pricecharge_item_priceIndicates that this line item is based on charge Item Price
optional, enumerated string The reason due to which the line item price/amount is exempted from tax.
Possible values are
tax_not_configuredIf tax is not enabled for the siteregion_non_taxableIf the product sold is not taxable in this region, but it is taxable in other regions, hence this region is not part of the Taxable jurisdictionexportYou are not registered for tax in the customer’s region. This is also the reason code when both billing_address and shipping_address have not been provided for the customer and subscription respectivelycustomer_exemptIf the Customer is marked as Tax exemptproduct_exemptIf the Plan or Addon is marked as Tax exemptzero_ratedIf the rate of tax is 0% and no Sales/ GST tax is collectable for that line itemreverse_chargeIf the Customer is identified as B2B customer (when VAT Number is entered), applicable for EU onlyhigh_value_physical_goodsIf physical goods are sold from outside Australia to customers in Australia, and the price of all the physical good line items is greater than AUD 1000, then tax will not be appliedzero_value_itemtax_not_configured_external_provider
tax_not_configuredIf tax is not enabled for the siteregion_non_taxableIf the product sold is not taxable in this region, but it is taxable in other regions, hence this region is not part of the Taxable jurisdictionexportYou are not registered for tax in the customer’s region. This is also the reason code when both billing_address and shipping_address have not been provided for the customer and subscription respectivelycustomer_exemptIf the Customer is marked as Tax exempt
product_exemptIf the Plan or Addon is marked as Tax exemptzero_ratedIf the rate of tax is 0% and no Sales/ GST tax is collectable for that line itemreverse_chargeIf the Customer is identified as B2B customer (when VAT Number is entered), applicable for EU onlyhigh_value_physical_goodsIf physical goods are sold from outside Australia to customers in Australia, and the price of all the physical good line items is greater than AUD 1000, then tax will not be appliedzero_value_itemtax_not_configured_external_provider
optional, string, max chars=40 The unique id of the line item that this deduction is for. Is required when discounts[entity_type] is item_level_coupon or document_level_coupon.
enumerated string The type of deduction and the amount to which it is applied.
Possible values are
item_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to line item. The coupon id is passed as entity_id.document_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to the invoice sub_total. The coupon id is passed as entity_id.promotional_creditsThe deduction is due to a promotional credit applied to the invoice.prorated_creditsThe deduction is due to a legacy adjustment credit applied to the invoice. The entity_id is null in this case. The legacy credits feature is superseded by adjustment_credit_notes.item_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to a line item of the invoice. The discount id is available as the entity_id. document_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to the invoice sub_total. The discount id is available as the entity_id.
item_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to line item. The coupon id is passed as entity_id.document_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to the invoice sub_total. The coupon id is passed as entity_id.promotional_creditsThe deduction is due to a promotional credit applied to the invoice.prorated_creditsThe deduction is due to a legacy adjustment credit applied to the invoice. The entity_id is null in this case. The legacy credits feature is superseded by adjustment_credit_notes.
item_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to a line item of the invoice. The discount id is available as the entity_id. document_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to the invoice sub_total. The discount id is available as the entity_id.
optional, enumerated string The type of discount that is applied to the line item. Relevant only when discounts[entity_type] is one of item_level_discount , item_level_coupon, document_level_discount, or document_level_coupon
Possible values are
fixed_amountwhen amount is applied as discountpercentagewhen percentage is applied as discount
fixed_amountwhen amount is applied as discountpercentagewhen percentage is applied as discount
enumerated string The type of deduction and the amount to which it is applied.
Possible values are
item_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to a line item of the invoice. The coupon id is available as entity_id.document_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to the invoice sub_total. The coupon id is available as entity_id.promotional_creditsThe deduction is due to a promotional credit applied to the invoice. The entity_id is null in this case.prorated_creditsThe deduction is due to a legacy adjustment credit applied to the invoice. The entity_id is null in this case. The legacy credits feature is superseded by adjustment_credit_notes.item_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to a line item of the invoice. The discount id is available as the entity_id. document_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to the invoice sub_total. The discount id is available as the entity_id.
item_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to a line item of the invoice. The coupon id is available as entity_id.document_level_couponThe deduction is due to a coupon applied to the invoice sub_total. The coupon id is available as entity_id.promotional_creditsThe deduction is due to a promotional credit applied to the invoice. The entity_id is null in this case.prorated_creditsThe deduction is due to a legacy adjustment credit applied to the invoice. The entity_id is null in this case. The legacy credits feature is superseded by adjustment_credit_notes.
item_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to a line item of the invoice. The discount id is available as the entity_id. document_level_discountThe deduction is due to a discount applied to the invoice sub_total. The discount id is available as the entity_id.
optional, enumerated string The type of tax jurisdiction
Possible values are
countryThe tax jurisdiction is a countryfederalThe tax jurisdiction is a federalstateThe tax jurisdiction is a statecountyThe tax jurisdiction is a countycityThe tax jurisdiction is a cityspecialSpecial tax jurisdiction.unincorporatedCombined tax of state and county.otherJurisdictions other than the ones listed above.
countryThe tax jurisdiction is a countryfederalThe tax jurisdiction is a federalstateThe tax jurisdiction is a statecountyThe tax jurisdiction is a county
cityThe tax jurisdiction is a cityspecialSpecial tax jurisdiction.unincorporatedCombined tax of state and county.otherJurisdictions other than the ones listed above.
optional, string, max chars=3 The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the place of supply in which VAT needs to be converted and displayed. This is applicable only for Invoice and Credit Notes API.