API Version
Product Catalog

A quote is an estimate of the invoice with the charges likely to occur when customers buy an item. A quote can be converted to a regular invoice once the customer accepts it.

The line items of a quote are grouped by charge events and are available as a separate resource. This resource can be retrieved using the List quote line groups endpoint. Note that the first quote line group is available within the quote resource itself and parsing the quote line groups object is not required.

Sample quote [ JSON ]

{ "amount_due": 4500, "amount_paid": 0, "billing_address": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "object": "billing_address", "validation_status": "not_validated" }, "charge_on_acceptance": 4500, "credits_applied": 0, "currency_code": "USD", "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7qp2S", "date": 1517494517, "id": "8", "line_item_discounts": [], "line_item_taxes": [], "line_items": [ { "amount": 4000, "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7qp2S", "date_from": 1517494517, "date_to": 1517494517, "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly", "discount_amount": 0, "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD", "entity_type": "charge_item_price", "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7z92d", "is_taxed": false, "item_level_discount_amount": 0, "object": "line_item", "pricing_model": "flat_fee", "quantity": 1, "tax_amount": 0, "unit_amount": 4000 }, { "amount": 500, "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7qp2S", "date_from": 1517494517, "date_to": 1517494517, "description": "SSL Charge USD Monthly", "discount_amount": 0, "entity_id": "ssl-charge-USD", "entity_type": "charge_item_price", "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7z92e", "is_taxed": false, "item_level_discount_amount": 0, "object": "line_item", "pricing_model": "flat_fee", "quantity": 1, "tax_amount": 0, "unit_amount": 500 } ], "object": "quote", "operation_type": "onetime_invoice", "price_type": "tax_exclusive", "resource_version": 1517494517214, "status": "open", "sub_total": 4500, "taxes": [], "total": 4500, "total_payable": 4500, "updated_at": 1517494517, "valid_till": 1526134516, "version": 1 }



Model Class

string, max chars=50
The quote number. Acts as a identifier for quote and typically generated sequentially.
optional, string, max chars=100
The quote name will be used as the pdf name of the quote.
optional, string, max chars=100
Purchase Order Number
string, max chars=50
The identifier of the customer this quote belongs to.
optional, string, max chars=50
The identifier of the subscription this quote belongs to.
optional, string, max chars=50
The identifier of the invoice generated while converting this quote.
enumerated string
Current status of this quote.
Possible values are
Show all values[+]
enumerated string
Operation Type
Possible values are
Show all values[+]
optional, string, max chars=20
VAT/ Tax registration number of the customer. Learn more
enumerated string, default=tax_exclusive
The price type of the quote.
Possible values are
tax_exclusiveAll amounts in the document are exclusive of tax.tax_inclusiveAll amounts in the document are inclusive of tax.
tax_exclusiveAll amounts in the document are exclusive of tax.tax_inclusiveAll amounts in the document are inclusive of tax.
Show all values[+]
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Quote will be valid till this date. After this date quote will be marked as closed.
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Creation date of the quote. Typically this is the date on which quote is generated.
optional, in cents, min=0
Total contract value. Applicable when multi billing cycle quote is enabled.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Charge on acceptance. Applicable when multi billing cycle quote is enabled.
in cents, min=0
Subtotal (in cents) of the first quote line group.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Total (in cents) of the first quote line group.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Credits applied (in cents) for the first quote line group.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Existing outstanding payments (in cents) if any, applied to the first quote line group.
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Amount due (in cents) for the first quote line group.
optional, integer, default=1
Version of the quote.
optional, long
Version number of this resource. The resource_version is updated with a new timestamp in milliseconds for every change made to the resource. This attribute will be present only if the resource has been updated after 2016-09-28.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating when this quote was last updated.
optional, string, max chars=10
An overridden value for the first two characters of the full VAT number. Only applicable specifically for customers with billing_address country as XI (which is United Kingdom - Northern Ireland).

When you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or have manually enabled the Brexit configuration, you have the option of setting billing_address country as XI. That’s the code for United Kingdom - Northern Ireland. The first two characters of the VAT number in such a case is XI by default. However, if the VAT number was registered in UK, the value should be GB. Set vat_number_prefix to GB for such cases.

optional, string
Specifies the customer's category for the Goods and Services Tax (GST). This field is returned only if you've configured GST for the India region.
string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the quote.
optional, jsonarray
List of notes associated with this quotes.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Specifies the contract term’s start date.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Specifies the contract term’s end date. It indicates when the action set in action_at_term_end gets triggered.
optional, in cents, min=0
Specifies the charge to be applied for terminating the contract term.
optional, string, max chars=50
The unique ID of the business entity of this quote.
Indicates that this resource has been deleted when the value is true.
optional, list of line_item
The list of line items for this quote.
optional, list of discount
The list of all deductions applied to the quote.
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_discount
The list of deductions applied for each line item of this quote.
optional, list of tax
The list of taxes applicable for this quote.
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_tax
The list of taxes applied on the line items of this quote.
Show attributes [+]
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for the various line items in this quote.
Show attributes [+]
optional, shipping_address
Shipping address for the quote.
Show attributes [+]
optional, billing_address
Billing address for the quote.
id id
string, max chars=50
The quote number. Acts as a identifier for quote and typically generated sequentially.
name name
optional, string, max chars=100
The quote name will be used as the pdf name of the quote.
po_number po_number
optional, string, max chars=100
Purchase Order Number
customer_id customer_id
string, max chars=50
The identifier of the customer this quote belongs to.
subscription_id subscription_id
optional, string, max chars=50
The identifier of the subscription this quote belongs to.
invoice_id invoice_id
optional, string, max chars=50
The identifier of the invoice generated while converting this quote.
status status
enumerated string
Current status of this quote.
Possible values are
Show all values[+]
operation_type operation_type
enumerated string
Operation Type
Possible values are
Show all values[+]
vat_number vat_number
optional, string, max chars=20
VAT/ Tax registration number of the customer. Learn more
price_type price_type
enumerated string, default=tax_exclusive
The price type of the quote.
Possible values are
tax_exclusiveAll amounts in the document are exclusive of tax.tax_inclusiveAll amounts in the document are inclusive of tax.
tax_exclusiveAll amounts in the document are exclusive of tax.tax_inclusiveAll amounts in the document are inclusive of tax.
Show all values[+]
valid_till valid_till
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Quote will be valid till this date. After this date quote will be marked as closed.
date date
timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Creation date of the quote. Typically this is the date on which quote is generated.
total_payable total_payable
optional, in cents, min=0
Total contract value. Applicable when multi billing cycle quote is enabled.
charge_on_acceptance charge_on_acceptance
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Charge on acceptance. Applicable when multi billing cycle quote is enabled.
sub_total sub_total
in cents, min=0
Subtotal (in cents) of the first quote line group.
total total
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Total (in cents) of the first quote line group.
credits_applied credits_applied
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Credits applied (in cents) for the first quote line group.
amount_paid amount_paid
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Existing outstanding payments (in cents) if any, applied to the first quote line group.
amount_due amount_due
optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
Amount due (in cents) for the first quote line group.
version version
optional, integer, default=1
Version of the quote.
resource_version resource_version
optional, long
Version number of this resource. The resource_version is updated with a new timestamp in milliseconds for every change made to the resource. This attribute will be present only if the resource has been updated after 2016-09-28.
updated_at updated_at
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Timestamp indicating when this quote was last updated.
vat_number_prefix vat_number_prefix
optional, string, max chars=10
An overridden value for the first two characters of the full VAT number. Only applicable specifically for customers with billing_address country as XI (which is United Kingdom - Northern Ireland).

When you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or have manually enabled the Brexit configuration, you have the option of setting billing_address country as XI. That’s the code for United Kingdom - Northern Ireland. The first two characters of the VAT number in such a case is XI by default. However, if the VAT number was registered in UK, the value should be GB. Set vat_number_prefix to GB for such cases.

tax_category tax_category
optional, string
Specifies the customer's category for the Goods and Services Tax (GST). This field is returned only if you've configured GST for the India region.
currency_code currency_code
string, max chars=3
The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the quote.
notes notes
optional, jsonarray
List of notes associated with this quotes.
contract_term_start contract_term_start
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Specifies the contract term’s start date.
contract_term_end contract_term_end
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Specifies the contract term’s end date. It indicates when the action set in action_at_term_end gets triggered.
contract_term_termination_fee contract_term_termination_fee
optional, in cents, min=0
Specifies the charge to be applied for terminating the contract term.
business_entity_id business_entity_id
optional, string, max chars=50
The unique ID of the business entity of this quote.
deleted deleted
Indicates that this resource has been deleted when the value is true.
optional, list of line_item
The list of line items for this quote.
optional, list of discount
The list of all deductions applied to the quote.
optional, list of line_item_discount
The list of deductions applied for each line item of this quote.
optional, list of tax
The list of taxes applicable for this quote.
optional, list of line_item_tax
The list of taxes applied on the line items of this quote.
optional, list of line_item_tier
The list of tiers applicable for the various line items in this quote.
optional, shipping_address
Shipping address for the quote.
optional, billing_address
Billing address for the quote.
Retrieves the quotes identified by the 'number' specified in the url.


Sample Request
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/8 \
     -u {site_api_key}:
Click to Copy
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/8 \
     -u {site_api_key}:

Sample Response [ JSON ]

Show more...
    "quote": {
        "amount_due": 4500,
        "amount_paid": 0,
        "billing_address": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "object": "billing_address",
            "validation_status": "not_validated"
        "charge_on_acceptance": 4500,
        "credits_applied": 0,
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7qp2S",
        "date": 1517494517,
        "id": "8",
        "line_item_discounts": [],
        "line_item_taxes": [],
        "line_items": [
                "amount": 4000,
                "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7qp2S",
                "date_from": 1517494517,
                "date_to": 1517494517,
                "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                "discount_amount": 0,
                "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7z92d",
                "is_taxed": false,
                "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                "object": "line_item",
                "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                "quantity": 1,
                "tax_amount": 0,
                "unit_amount": 4000
        "object": "quote",
        "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
        "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
        "resource_version": 1517494517214,
        "status": "open",
        "sub_total": 4500,
        "taxes": [],
        "total": 4500,
        "total_payable": 4500,
        "updated_at": 1517494517,
        "valid_till": 1526134516,
        "version": 1

URL Format GET



quote quote
always returned
Resource object representing quote
quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
Resource object representing quoted_subscription
quoted_charge quoted_charge
Resource object representing quoted_charge

Sample admin console URL

Create a quote for new subscription line items of a customer.


Sample Request
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/customers/__test__KyVkhnS3NssjH7/create_subscription_quote_for_items \
     -X POST  \
     -u {site_api_key}:\
     -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
     -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=1 
Click to Copy
curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/customers/__test__KyVkhnS3NssjH7/create_subscription_quote_for_items \
     -X POST  \
     -u {site_api_key}:\
     -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
     -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=1 

Sample Response [ JSON ]

Show more...
    "quote": {
        "amount_due": 1000,
        "amount_paid": 0,
        "billing_address": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "object": "billing_address",
            "validation_status": "not_validated"
        "charge_on_acceptance": 0,
        "credits_applied": 0,
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "customer_id": "__test__KyVkhnS3NssjH7",
        "date": 1517475933,
        "id": "1",
        "line_item_discounts": [],
        "line_item_taxes": [],
        "line_items": [
                "amount": 1000,
                "customer_id": "__test__KyVkhnS3NssjH7",
                "date_from": 1517475933,
                "date_to": 1519895133,
                "description": "basic USD",
                "discount_amount": 0,
                "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                "id": "__test__KyVkhnS3NstZzH",
                "is_taxed": false,
                "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                "object": "line_item",
                "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                "quantity": 1,
                "tax_amount": 0,
                "unit_amount": 1000
        "object": "quote",
        "operation_type": "create_subscription_for_customer",
        "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
        "resource_version": 1517475934000,
        "status": "open",
        "sub_total": 1000,
        "taxes": [],
        "total": 1000,
        "updated_at": 1517475934,
        "valid_till": 1517596199,
        "version": 1




optional, string, max chars=100
The quote name will be used as the pdf name of the quote.
optional, string, max chars=2000
Notes specific to this quote that you want customers to see on the quote PDF.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
Quotes will be valid till this date. After this quote will be marked as closed.
optional, integer, min=0
The number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling. If not provided, then the billing cycles set for the plan-item price is used.
optional, list of string
Item ids of mandatorily attached addons that are to be removed from the subscription.
optional, integer, min=1
The number of subscription billing cycles (including the first one) to invoice in advance.
optional, enumerated string
Override the billing alignment mode for Calendar Billing. Only applicable when using Calendar Billing. The default value is that which has been configured for the site.
Possible values are
immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
Show all values[+]
optional, list of string
Identifier of the coupon as a List. Coupon Codes can also be passed.
optional, string, max chars=50
A unique and immutable identifier for the subscription. If not provided, it is autogenerated.
optional, string, max chars=100
Purchase order number for this subscription.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
End of the trial period for the subscription. This overrides the trial period set for the plan-item. The value must be later than start_date. Set it to 0 to have no trial period.
optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
The date/time at which the subscription is to start or has started. If not provided, the subscription starts immediately on quote conversion. The quote can be converted on a date/time after this date. This is called backdating the subscription creation and is done when the subscription has already been provisioned but the conversion action has been delayed. Backdating is allowed only when the following prerequisites are met:
  • Backdating is enabled for subscription creation operations.
  • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating such operations. This day is typically the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
  • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the plan in the subscription is 2 months and today is 14th April, subscription[start_date] cannot be earlier than 14th February.
optional, integer, min=1, max=100
Number of billing cycles the new contract term should run for, on contract renewal. The default value is the same as billing_cycles or a custom value depending on the site configuration.
optional, string, max chars=150
The first name of the contact.
optional, string, max chars=150
The last name of the contact.
optional, string, max chars=70
The email address.
optional, string, max chars=250
The company name.
optional, string, max chars=50
The phone number.
optional, string, max chars=150
Address line 1
optional, string, max chars=150
Address line 2
optional, string, max chars=150
Address line 3
optional, string, max chars=50
The name of the city.
optional, string, max chars=50
The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
optional, string, max chars=50
The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
optional, string, max chars=20
Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
optional, string, max chars=50
The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
The address verification status.
Possible values are
not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
Show all values[+]
optional, enumerated string
Action to be taken when the contract term completes.
Possible values are
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, default=0
    The number of days before contract_end, during which the customer is barred from canceling the contract term. The customer is allowed to cancel the contract term via the Self-Serve Portal only before this period. This allows you to have sufficient time for processing the contract term closure
    required, string, max chars=100
    The unique identifier of the item price.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The quantity of the item purchased
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the quantity of the item purchased. Can be provided for quantity-based item prices and only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The price/per unit price of the item. When not provided, the value set for the item price is used. This is only applicable when the pricing_model of the item price is flat_fee or per_unit. Also, it is only allowed when price overriding is enabled for the site. The value depends on the type of currency. If changes_scheduled_at is in the past and a unit_price is not passed, then the item price’s current unit price is considered even if the item price did not exist on the date as of when the change is scheduled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    When price overriding is enabled for the site, the price or per-unit price of the item can be set here. The value set for the item price is used by default. Provide the value as a decimal string in major units of the currency. Can be provided only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, integer, min=0
    For the plan-item price:
    the value determines the number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling automatically. If not provided, then the value set for the plan-item price is used.

    For addon-item prices:
    If addon billing cycles are enabled then this is the number of subscription billing cycles for which the addon is included. If not provided, then the value set under attached addons is used. Further, if that value is not provided, then the value set for the addon-item price is used.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The date/time when the trial period of the item ends. Applies to plan-items and—-when enabled-—addon-items as well.
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    The service period of the item in days from the day of charge.
    optional, enumerated string
    When charge_on_option option is set to on_event, this parameter specifies the event at which the charge-item is applied to the subscription. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.
    contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    Indicates if the charge-item is to be charged only once or each time the charge_on_event occurs. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    optional, enumerated string
    Indicates when the charge-item is to be charged. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string
    The amount on the quote to which the discount is applied.
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string, default=forever
    Specifies the time duration for which this discount is attached to the subscription.
    Possible values are
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The duration of time for which the discount is attached to the subscription, in period_units. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    optional, enumerated string
    The unit of time for period. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    Possible values are
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    The discount is included in MRR calculations for your site. This attribute is only applicable when duration_type is one_time and when the feature is enabled in Chargebee. Also, If the site-level setting is to exclude one-time discounts from MRR calculations, this value is always returned false.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price in the subscription to which the discount is to be applied. Relevant only when apply_on = specific_item_price.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price for which the tier price is being overridden.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The lowest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, integer
    The highest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    The overridden price of the tier. The value depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the the lowest value of quantity in this tier. This is zero for the lowest tier. For all other tiers, it is the same as ending_unit_in_decimal of the next lower tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the highest value of quantity in this tier. This attribute is not applicable for the highest tier. For all other tiers, it must be equal to the starting_unit_in_decimal of the next higher tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. When the pricing_model is stairstep, it is the decimal representation of the total price for the item. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the plan is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, enumerated string
    Pricing type for the tier.
    Possible values are
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    Package size for the tier when pricing type is package. Specify the number of units that make up one package. For example, if 1000 API hits are grouped into a single package, set the package size to 1000.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription

    Sample admin console URL

    Changes the quote produced for creating a new subscription items


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/4/edit_create_subscription_quote_for_items \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
         -d "subscription_items[unit_price][0]"=1520 \
         -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=3 
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/4/edit_create_subscription_quote_for_items \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
         -d "subscription_items[unit_price][0]"=1520 \
         -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=3 

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 4560,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 0,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWDaQi",
            "date": 1517485108,
            "id": "4",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 4560,
                    "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWDaQi",
                    "date_from": 1517485108,
                    "date_to": 1519904308,
                    "description": "basic USD",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                    "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWDxA10",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                    "quantity": 3,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 1520
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "create_subscription_for_customer",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517485108000,
            "status": "open",
            "sub_total": 4560,
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 4560,
            "updated_at": 1517485108,
            "valid_till": 1517596199,
            "version": 2

    URL Format POST



    optional, string, max chars=2000
    Notes specific to this quote that you want customers to see on the quote PDF.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    Quotes will be valid till this date. After this quote will be marked as closed.
    optional, integer, min=0
    The number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling. If not provided, then the billing cycles set for the plan-item price is used.
    optional, list of string
    Item ids of mandatorily attached addons that are to be removed from the subscription.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The number of subscription billing cycles (including the first one) to invoice in advance.
    optional, enumerated string
    Override the billing alignment mode for Calendar Billing. Only applicable when using Calendar Billing. The default value is that which has been configured for the site.
    Possible values are
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, list of string
    Identifier of the coupon as a List. Coupon Codes can also be passed.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    A unique and immutable identifier for the subscription. If not provided, it is autogenerated.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    Purchase order number for this subscription.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    End of the trial period for the subscription. This overrides the trial period set for the plan-item. The value must be later than start_date. Set it to 0 to have no trial period.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The date/time at which the subscription is to start or has started. If not provided, the subscription starts immediately on quote conversion. The quote can be converted on a date/time after this date. This is called backdating the subscription creation and is done when the subscription has already been provisioned but the conversion action has been delayed. Backdating is allowed only when the following prerequisites are met:
    • Backdating is enabled for subscription creation operations.
    • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating such operations. This day is typically the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
    • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the plan in the subscription is 2 months and today is 14th April, subscription[start_date] cannot be earlier than 14th February.
    optional, integer, min=1, max=100
    Number of billing cycles the new contract term should run for, on contract renewal. The default value is the same as billing_cycles or a custom value depending on the site configuration.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The first name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The last name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=70
    The email address.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    The company name.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The phone number.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 1
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 2
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 3
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The name of the city.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
    optional, string, max chars=20
    Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

    Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


    If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    The address verification status.
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    Action to be taken when the contract term completes.
    Possible values are
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, default=0
    The number of days before contract_end, during which the customer is barred from canceling the contract term. The customer is allowed to cancel the contract term via the Self-Serve Portal only before this period. This allows you to have sufficient time for processing the contract term closure
    required, string, max chars=100
    The unique identifier of the item price.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The quantity of the item purchased
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the quantity of the item purchased. Can be provided for quantity-based item prices and only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The price/per unit price of the item. When not provided, the value set for the item price is used. This is only applicable when the pricing_model of the item price is flat_fee or per_unit. Also, it is only allowed when price overriding is enabled for the site. The value depends on the type of currency. If changes_scheduled_at is in the past and a unit_price is not passed, then the item price’s current unit price is considered even if the item price did not exist on the date as of when the change is scheduled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    When price overriding is enabled for the site, the price or per-unit price of the item can be set here. The value set for the item price is used by default. Provide the value as a decimal string in major units of the currency. Can be provided only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, integer, min=0
    For the plan-item price:
    the value determines the number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling automatically. If not provided, then the value set for the plan-item price is used.

    For addon-item prices:
    If addon billing cycles are enabled then this is the number of subscription billing cycles for which the addon is included. If not provided, then the value set under attached addons is used. Further, if that value is not provided, then the value set for the addon-item price is used.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The date/time when the trial period of the item ends. Applies to plan-items and—-when enabled-—addon-items as well.
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    The service period of the item in days from the day of charge.
    optional, enumerated string
    When charge_on_option option is set to on_event, this parameter specifies the event at which the charge-item is applied to the subscription. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.
    contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    Indicates if the charge-item is to be charged only once or each time the charge_on_event occurs. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    optional, enumerated string
    Indicates when the charge-item is to be charged. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string
    The amount on the quote to which the discount is applied.
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string, default=forever
    Specifies the time duration for which this discount is attached to the subscription.
    Possible values are
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The duration of time for which the discount is attached to the subscription, in period_units. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    optional, enumerated string
    The unit of time for period. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    Possible values are
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    The discount is included in MRR calculations for your site. This attribute is only applicable when duration_type is one_time and when the feature is enabled in Chargebee. Also, If the site-level setting is to exclude one-time discounts from MRR calculations, this value is always returned false.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price in the subscription to which the discount is to be applied. Relevant only when apply_on = specific_item_price.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price for which the tier price is being overridden.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The lowest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, integer
    The highest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    The overridden price of the tier. The value depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the the lowest value of quantity in this tier. This is zero for the lowest tier. For all other tiers, it is the same as ending_unit_in_decimal of the next lower tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the highest value of quantity in this tier. This attribute is not applicable for the highest tier. For all other tiers, it must be equal to the starting_unit_in_decimal of the next higher tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. When the pricing_model is stairstep, it is the decimal representation of the total price for the item. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the plan is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, enumerated string
    Pricing type for the tier.
    Possible values are
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    Package size for the tier when pricing type is package. Specify the number of units that make up one package. For example, if 1000 API hits are grouped into a single package, set the package size to 1000.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription

    Sample admin console URL

    Create a quote for updating subscription line items.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/update_subscription_quote_for_items \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "subscription[id]"="__test__KyVlFpS4cWD9fW" \
         -d "billing_address[first_name]"="John" \
         -d "billing_address[last_name]"="Doe" \
         -d "billing_address[line1]"="PO Box 9999" \
         -d "billing_address[city]"="Walnut" \
         -d "billing_address[state]"="California" \
         -d "billing_address[zip]"="91789" \
         -d "billing_address[country]"="US" \
         -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
         -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=2 \
         -d "subscription_items[unit_price][0]"=1000 
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/update_subscription_quote_for_items \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "subscription[id]"="__test__KyVlFpS4cWD9fW" \
         -d "billing_address[first_name]"="John" \
         -d "billing_address[last_name]"="Doe" \
         -d "billing_address[line1]"="PO Box 9999" \
         -d "billing_address[city]"="Walnut" \
         -d "billing_address[state]"="California" \
         -d "billing_address[zip]"="91789" \
         -d "billing_address[country]"="US" \
         -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
         -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=2 \
         -d "subscription_items[unit_price][0]"=1000 

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 1000,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "city": "Walnut",
                "country": "US",
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "line1": "PO Box 9999",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "state": "California",
                "validation_status": "not_validated",
                "zip": "91789"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 0,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWD2iU",
            "date": 1517485106,
            "id": "3",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 1000,
                    "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWD2iU",
                    "date_from": 1517485106,
                    "date_to": 1519904305,
                    "description": "basic USD - Prorated Charges",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                    "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWDW2g",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 1000
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "change_subscription",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517485106000,
            "status": "open",
            "sub_total": 1000,
            "subscription_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWD9fW",
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 1000,
            "updated_at": 1517485106,
            "valid_till": 1517596199,
            "version": 1

    URL Format POST



    optional, string, max chars=100
    The quote name will be used as the pdf name of the quote.
    optional, string, max chars=2000
    Notes specific to this quote that you want customers to see on the quote PDF.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    Quotes will be valid till this date. After this quote will be marked as closed.
    optional, list of string
    Item ids of mandatorily attached addons that are to be removed from the subscription.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    If true then the existing subscription_items list for the subscription is replaced by the one provided. If false then the provided subscription_items list gets added to the existing list.
    optional, integer, min=0
    Billing cycles set for plan-item price is used by default.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The number of subscription billing cycles to invoice in advance. If a new term is started for the subscription due to this API call, then terms_to_charge is inclusive of this new term. See description for the force_term_reset parameter to learn more about when a subscription term is reset.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    If the subscription status is cancelled and it is being reactivated via this operation, this is the date/time at which the subscription should be reactivated.
    Note: It is recommended not to pass this parameter along with changed_scheduled_at. reactivate_from can be backdated (set to a value in the past). Use backdating when the subscription has been reactivated already but its billing has been delayed. Backdating is allowed only when the following prerequisites are met:
    • Backdating must be enabled for subscription reactivation operations.
    • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating subscription change. This limit is the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
    • The date is on or after the last date/time any of the product catalog items of the subscription were changed.
    • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the plan in the subscription is 2 months and today is 14th April, changes_scheduled_at cannot be earlier than 14th February.
    optional, enumerated string
    Override the billing alignment mode chosen for the site for calendar billing. Only applicable when using calendar billing.
    Possible values are
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, list of string
    Identifier of the coupon as a List. Coupon Codes can also be passed.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    Should be true if the existing coupons should be replaced with the ones that are being passed.
    optional, enumerated string
    When the quote is converted, this attribute determines the date/time as of when the subscription change is to be carried out.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe change is carried out immediately.specific_dateThe change is carried out as of the date specified under changes_scheduled_at.
    immediatelyThe change is carried out immediately.specific_dateThe change is carried out as of the date specified under changes_scheduled_at.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    When change_option is set to specific_date, then set the date/time at which the subscription change is to happen or has happened. changes_scheduled_at can be set to a value in the past. This is called backdating the subscription change and is performed when the subscription change has already been provisioned but its billing has been delayed. Backdating is allowed only when the following prerequisites are met:
    • Backdating must be enabled for subscription change operations.
    • Only the following changes can be backdated:
      • Changes in the recurring items or their prices.
      • Addition of non-recurring items.
    • Subscription status is active, cancelled, or non_renewing.
    • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating subscription change. This limit is the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
    • The date is on or after current_term_start.
    • The date is on or after the last date/time any of the following changes were made:
      • Changes in the recurring items or their prices.
      • Addition of non-recurring items.
    • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the subscription’s plan is 2 months and today is 14th April, changes_scheduled_at cannot be earlier than 14th February.
    Note: The changes_scheduled_at parameter does not apply to auto_collection, shipping_address, and po_number; these parameters take effect immediately when scheduling a subscription update.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    Applicable for 'Active' & 'Non Renewing' states alone. Generally, subscription's term will be reset (i.e current term is ended and a new term starts immediately) when a new plan having different billing frequency is specified in the input. For all the other cases, the subscription's term will remain intact. Now for this later scenario, if you want to force a term reset you can specify this param as 'true'.
    Note: Specifying this value as 'false' has no impact on the default behaviour.
    optional, boolean
    Applicable only for cancelled subscriptions. Once this is passed as true, cancelled subscription will become active; otherwise subscription changes will be made but the subscription state will remain cancelled. If not passed, subscription will be activated only if there is any change in subscription data.
    required, string, max chars=50
    A unique and immutable identifier for the subscription. If not provided, it is autogenerated.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The new start date of a future subscription. Applicable only for future subscriptions.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The time at which the trial has ended or will end for the subscription. This is only allowed when the subscription status is future, in_trial, or cancelled. Also, the value must not be earlier than changes_scheduled_at or start_date. Note: This parameter can be backdated (set to a value in the past) only when the subscription is in cancelled or in_trial status. Do this to keep a record of when the trial ended in case it ended at some point in the past. When trial_end is backdated, the subscription immediately goes into active or non_renewing status.
    optional, enumerated string
    Defines whether payments need to be collected automatically for this subscription. Overrides customer's auto-collection property.
    Possible values are
    onWhenever an invoice is created for this subscription, an automatic charge will be attempted on the payment method available.offAutomatic collection of charges will not be made for this subscription. Use this for offline payments.
    onWhenever an invoice is created for this subscription, an automatic charge will be attempted on the payment method available.offAutomatic collection of charges will not be made for this subscription. Use this for offline payments.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    The preferred offline payment method for the subscription.
    Possible values are
    no_preferenceNo PreferencecashCashcheckCheckbank_transferBank Transferach_creditACH Creditsepa_creditSEPA CreditboletoBoletous_automated_bank_transferUS Automated Bank Transfereu_automated_bank_transferEU Automated Bank Transferuk_automated_bank_transferUK Automated Bank Transferjp_automated_bank_transferJP Automated Bank Transfermx_automated_bank_transferMX Automated Bank TransfercustomCustom
    no_preferenceNo PreferencecashCashcheckCheckbank_transferBank Transfer
    ach_creditACH Creditsepa_creditSEPA CreditboletoBoletous_automated_bank_transferUS Automated Bank Transfereu_automated_bank_transferEU Automated Bank Transferuk_automated_bank_transferUK Automated Bank Transferjp_automated_bank_transferJP Automated Bank Transfermx_automated_bank_transferMX Automated Bank TransfercustomCustom
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1, max=100
    Number of billing cycles the new contract term should run for, on contract renewal. The default value is the same as billing_cycles or a custom value depending on the site configuration.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The first name of the billing contact.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The last name of the billing contact.
    optional, string, max chars=70
    The email address.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    The company name.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The phone number.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 1
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 2
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 3
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The name of the city.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
    optional, string, max chars=20
    Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

    Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


    If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    The address verification status.
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The first name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The last name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=70
    The email address.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    The company name.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The phone number.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 1
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 2
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 3
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The name of the city.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
    optional, string, max chars=20
    Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

    Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


    If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    The address verification status.
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=20
    VAT number of this customer. If not provided then taxes are not calculated for the estimate. Applicable only when taxes are configured for the EU or UK region. VAT validation is not done for this.
    optional, string, max chars=10
    An overridden value for the first two characters of the full VAT number. Only applicable specifically for customers with billing_address country as XI (which is United Kingdom - Northern Ireland).

    When you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or have manually enabled the Brexit configuration, you have the option of setting billing_address country as XI. That’s the code for United Kingdom - Northern Ireland. The first two characters of the VAT number in such a case is XI by default. However, if the VAT number was registered in UK, the value should be GB. Set vat_number_prefix to GB for such cases.
    optional, boolean
    Confirms that a customer is registered under GST. If set to true then the Reverse Charge Mechanism is applicable. This field is applicable only when Australian GST is configured for your site.
    optional, enumerated string, default=renew
    Action to be taken when the contract term completes.
    Possible values are
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.renew_onceUsed when you want to renew the contract term just once. Does the following:
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to cancel.
  • renew
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.renew_onceUsed when you want to renew the contract term just once. Does the following:
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to cancel.
  • Show all values[+]
    optional, integer
    The number of days before contract_end, during which the customer is barred from canceling the contract term. The customer is allowed to cancel the contract term via the Self-Serve Portal only before this period. This allows you to have sufficient time for processing the contract term closure
    required, string, max chars=100
    The unique identifier of the item price.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The quantity of the item purchased
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the quantity of the item purchased. Can be provided for quantity-based item prices and only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The price/per unit price of the item. When not provided, the value set for the item price is used. This is only applicable when the pricing_model of the item price is flat_fee or per_unit. Also, it is only allowed when price overriding is enabled for the site. The value depends on the type of currency. If changes_scheduled_at is in the past and a unit_price is not passed, then the item price’s current unit price is considered even if the item price did not exist on the date as of when the change is scheduled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    When price overriding is enabled for the site, the price or per-unit price of the item can be set here. The value set for the item price is used by default. Provide the value as a decimal string in major units of the currency. Can be provided only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled. If changes_scheduled_at is in the past and a unit_price_in_decimal is not passed, then the item price’s current unit price is considered even if the item price did not exist on the date as of when the change is scheduled.
    optional, integer, min=0
    For the plan-item price:
    the value determines the number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling automatically. If not provided, then the value set for the plan-item price is used.

    For addon-item prices:
    If addon billing cycles are enabled then this is the number of subscription billing cycles for which the addon is included. If not provided, then the value set under attached addons is used. Further, if that value is not provided, then the value set for the addon-item price is used.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The date/time when the trial period of the item ends. Applies to plan-items and—-when enabled-—addon-items as well.
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    The service period of the item in days from the day of charge.
    optional, enumerated string
    When charge_on_option option is set to on_event, this parameter specifies the event at which the charge-item is applied to the subscription. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.
    contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    Indicates if the charge-item is to be charged only once or each time the charge_on_event occurs. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    optional, enumerated string
    Indicates when the charge-item is to be charged. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string
    The amount on the quote to which the discount is applied.
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string, default=forever
    Specifies the time duration for which this discount is attached to the subscription.
    Possible values are
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The duration of time for which the discount is attached to the subscription, in period_units. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    optional, enumerated string
    The unit of time for period. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    Possible values are
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    The discount is included in MRR calculations for your site. This attribute is only applicable when duration_type is one_time and when the feature is enabled in Chargebee. Also, If the site-level setting is to exclude one-time discounts from MRR calculations, this value is always returned false.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price in the subscription to which the discount is to be applied. Relevant only when apply_on = specific_item_price.
    required, enumerated string
    The operation to be carried out for the discount.
    Possible values are
    addThe discount is attached to the subscription.removeThe discount (given by discounts[id]) is removed from the subscription. Subsequent invoices will no longer have the discount applied. Tip: If you want to replace a discount, remove it and add another in the same API call.
    addThe discount is attached to the subscription.removeThe discount (given by discounts[id]) is removed from the subscription. Subsequent invoices will no longer have the discount applied. Tip: If you want to replace a discount, remove it and add another in the same API call.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The id of the discount to be removed. This parameter is only relevant when discounts[operation_type] is remove.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price for which the tier price is being overridden.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The lowest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, integer
    The highest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    The overridden price of the tier. The value depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the the lowest value of quantity in this tier. This is zero for the lowest tier. For all other tiers, it is the same as ending_unit_in_decimal of the next lower tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the highest value of quantity in this tier. This attribute is not applicable for the highest tier. For all other tiers, it must be equal to the starting_unit_in_decimal of the next higher tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. When the pricing_model is stairstep, it is the decimal representation of the total price for the item. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the plan is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, enumerated string
    Pricing type for the tier.
    Possible values are
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    Package size for the tier when pricing type is package. Specify the number of units that make up one package. For example, if 1000 API hits are grouped into a single package, set the package size to 1000.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription

    Sample admin console URL

    Changes the quote produced for updating the subscription items.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/6/edit_update_subscription_quote_for_items \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
         -d "subscription_items[unit_price][0]"=1520 \
         -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=2 
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/6/edit_update_subscription_quote_for_items \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "subscription_items[item_price_id][0]"="basic-USD" \
         -d "subscription_items[unit_price][0]"=1520 \
         -d "subscription_items[quantity][0]"=2 

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 1290,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 0,
            "credits_applied": 1750,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWEDZ1I",
            "date": 1517485111,
            "id": "6",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 3040,
                    "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWEDZ1I",
                    "date_from": 1517485111,
                    "date_to": 1519904310,
                    "description": "basic USD - Prorated Charges",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "basic-USD",
                    "entity_type": "plan_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWEpb1i",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "per_unit",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 1520
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "change_subscription",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517485111000,
            "status": "open",
            "sub_total": 3040,
            "subscription_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWES31O",
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 3040,
            "updated_at": 1517485111,
            "valid_till": 1517596199,
            "version": 2

    URL Format POST



    optional, string, max chars=2000
    Notes specific to this quote that you want customers to see on the quote PDF.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    Quotes will be valid till this date. After this quote will be marked as closed.
    optional, list of string
    Item ids of mandatorily attached addons that are to be removed from the subscription.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    If true then the existing subscription_items list for the subscription is replaced by the one provided. If false then the provided subscription_items list gets added to the existing list.
    optional, integer, min=0
    Billing cycles set for plan-item price is used by default.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The number of subscription billing cycles to invoice in advance. If a new term is started for the subscription due to this API call, then terms_to_charge is inclusive of this new term. See description for the force_term_reset parameter to learn more about when a subscription term is reset.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    If the subscription status is cancelled and it is being reactivated via this operation, this is the date/time at which the subscription should be reactivated.
    Note: It is recommended not to pass this parameter along with changed_scheduled_at. reactivate_from can be backdated (set to a value in the past). Use backdating when the subscription has been reactivated already but its billing has been delayed. Backdating is allowed only when the following prerequisites are met:
    • Backdating must be enabled for subscription reactivation operations.
    • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating subscription change. This limit is the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
    • The date is on or after the last date/time any of the product catalog items of the subscription were changed.
    • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the plan in the subscription is 2 months and today is 14th April, changes_scheduled_at cannot be earlier than 14th February.
    optional, enumerated string
    Override the billing alignment mode chosen for the site for calendar billing. Only applicable when using calendar billing.
    Possible values are
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    immediateSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date immediately, with credits or charges raised accordingly..delayedSubscription period will be aligned with the configured billing date at the next renewal.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, list of string
    Identifier of the coupon as a List. Coupon Codes can also be passed.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    Should be true if the existing coupons should be replaced with the ones that are being passed.
    optional, enumerated string
    When the quote is converted, this attribute determines the date/time as of when the subscription change is to be carried out.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe change is carried out immediately.specific_dateThe change is carried out as of the date specified under changes_scheduled_at.
    immediatelyThe change is carried out immediately.specific_dateThe change is carried out as of the date specified under changes_scheduled_at.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    When change_option is set to specific_date, then set the date/time at which the subscription change is to happen or has happened. changes_scheduled_at can be set to a value in the past. This is called backdating the subscription change and is performed when the subscription change has already been provisioned but its billing has been delayed. Backdating is allowed only when the following prerequisites are met:
    • Backdating must be enabled for subscription change operations.
    • Only the following changes can be backdated:
      • Changes in the recurring items or their prices.
      • Addition of non-recurring items.
    • Subscription status is active, cancelled, or non_renewing.
    • The current day of the month does not exceed the limit set in Chargebee for backdating subscription change. This limit is the day of the month by which the accounting for the previous month must be closed.
    • The date is on or after current_term_start.
    • The date is on or after the last date/time any of the following changes were made:
      • Changes in the recurring items or their prices.
      • Addition of non-recurring items.
    • The date is not more than duration X into the past where X is the billing period of the plan. For example, if the period of the subscription’s plan is 2 months and today is 14th April, changes_scheduled_at cannot be earlier than 14th February.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    Applicable for 'Active' & 'Non Renewing' states alone. Generally, subscription's term will be reset (i.e current term is ended and a new term starts immediately) when a new plan having different billing frequency is specified in the input. For all the other cases, the subscription's term will remain intact. Now for this later scenario, if you want to force a term reset you can specify this param as 'true'.
    Note: Specifying this value as 'false' has no impact on the default behaviour.
    optional, boolean
    Applicable only for cancelled subscriptions. Once this is passed as true, cancelled subscription will become active; otherwise subscription changes will be made but the subscription state will remain cancelled. If not passed, subscription will be activated only if there is any change in subscription data.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The new start date of a future subscription. Applicable only for future subscriptions.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The time at which the trial has ended or will end for the subscription. This is only allowed when the subscription status is future, in_trial, or cancelled. Also, the value must not be earlier than changes_scheduled_at or start_date. Note: This parameter can be backdated (set to a value in the past) only when the subscription is in cancelled or in_trial status. Do this to keep a record of when the trial ended in case it ended at some point in the past. When trial_end is backdated, the subscription immediately goes into active or non_renewing status.
    optional, enumerated string
    Defines whether payments need to be collected automatically for this subscription. Overrides customer's auto-collection property.
    Possible values are
    onWhenever an invoice is created for this subscription, an automatic charge will be attempted on the payment method available.offAutomatic collection of charges will not be made for this subscription. Use this for offline payments.
    onWhenever an invoice is created for this subscription, an automatic charge will be attempted on the payment method available.offAutomatic collection of charges will not be made for this subscription. Use this for offline payments.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, enumerated string
    The preferred offline payment method for the subscription.
    Possible values are
    no_preferenceNo PreferencecashCashcheckCheckbank_transferBank Transferach_creditACH Creditsepa_creditSEPA CreditboletoBoletous_automated_bank_transferUS Automated Bank Transfereu_automated_bank_transferEU Automated Bank Transferuk_automated_bank_transferUK Automated Bank Transferjp_automated_bank_transferJP Automated Bank Transfermx_automated_bank_transferMX Automated Bank TransfercustomCustom
    no_preferenceNo PreferencecashCashcheckCheckbank_transferBank Transfer
    ach_creditACH Creditsepa_creditSEPA CreditboletoBoletous_automated_bank_transferUS Automated Bank Transfereu_automated_bank_transferEU Automated Bank Transferuk_automated_bank_transferUK Automated Bank Transferjp_automated_bank_transferJP Automated Bank Transfermx_automated_bank_transferMX Automated Bank TransfercustomCustom
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1, max=100
    Number of billing cycles the new contract term should run for, on contract renewal. The default value is the same as billing_cycles or a custom value depending on the site configuration.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The first name of the billing contact.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The last name of the billing contact.
    optional, string, max chars=70
    The email address.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    The company name.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The phone number.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 1
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 2
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 3
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The name of the city.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
    optional, string, max chars=20
    Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

    Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


    If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    The address verification status.
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The first name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The last name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=70
    The email address.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    The company name.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The phone number.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 1
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 2
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 3
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The name of the city.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
    optional, string, max chars=20
    Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

    Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


    If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    The address verification status.
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=20
    VAT number of this customer. If not provided then taxes are not calculated for the estimate. Applicable only when taxes are configured for the EU or UK region. VAT validation is not done for this.
    optional, string, max chars=10
    An overridden value for the first two characters of the full VAT number. Only applicable specifically for customers with billing_address country as XI (which is United Kingdom - Northern Ireland).

    When you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or have manually enabled the Brexit configuration, you have the option of setting billing_address country as XI. That’s the code for United Kingdom - Northern Ireland. The first two characters of the VAT number in such a case is XI by default. However, if the VAT number was registered in UK, the value should be GB. Set vat_number_prefix to GB for such cases.
    optional, boolean
    Confirms that a customer is registered under GST. If set to true then the Reverse Charge Mechanism is applicable. This field is applicable only when Australian GST is configured for your site.
    optional, enumerated string, default=renew
    Action to be taken when the contract term completes.
    Possible values are
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.renew_onceUsed when you want to renew the contract term just once. Does the following:
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to cancel.
  • renew
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to renew.
  • evergreenContract term completes and the subscription renews.cancelContract term completes and subscription is canceled.renew_onceUsed when you want to renew the contract term just once. Does the following:
  • Contract term completes and a new contract term is started for the number of billing cycles specified in contract_billing_cycle_on_renewal.
  • The action_at_term_end for the new contract term is set to cancel.
  • Show all values[+]
    optional, integer
    The number of days before contract_end, during which the customer is barred from canceling the contract term. The customer is allowed to cancel the contract term via the Self-Serve Portal only before this period. This allows you to have sufficient time for processing the contract term closure
    required, string, max chars=100
    The unique identifier of the item price.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The quantity of the item purchased
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the quantity of the item purchased. Can be provided for quantity-based item prices and only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The price/per unit price of the item. When not provided, the value set for the item price is used. This is only applicable when the pricing_model of the item price is flat_fee or per_unit. Also, it is only allowed when price overriding is enabled for the site. The value depends on the type of currency. If changes_scheduled_at is in the past and a unit_price is not passed, then the item price’s current unit price is considered even if the item price did not exist on the date as of when the change is scheduled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    When price overriding is enabled for the site, the price or per-unit price of the item can be set here. The value set for the item price is used by default. Provide the value as a decimal string in major units of the currency. Can be provided only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled. If changes_scheduled_at is in the past and a unit_price_in_decimal is not passed, then the item price’s current unit price is considered even if the item price did not exist on the date as of when the change is scheduled.
    optional, integer, min=0
    For the plan-item price:
    the value determines the number of billing cycles the subscription runs before canceling automatically. If not provided, then the value set for the plan-item price is used.

    For addon-item prices:
    If addon billing cycles are enabled then this is the number of subscription billing cycles for which the addon is included. If not provided, then the value set under attached addons is used. Further, if that value is not provided, then the value set for the addon-item price is used.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The date/time when the trial period of the item ends. Applies to plan-items and—-when enabled-—addon-items as well.
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    The service period of the item in days from the day of charge.
    optional, enumerated string
    When charge_on_option option is set to on_event, this parameter specifies the event at which the charge-item is applied to the subscription. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    subscription_creationthe time of creation of the subscription.subscription_trial_startthe time when the trial period of the subscription begins.plan_activationsame as subscription activation, but also includes the case when the plan-item of the subscription is changed.subscription_activationthe moment a subscription enters an active or non-renewing state. Also includes reactivations of canceled subscriptions.
    contract_terminationwhen a contract term is terminated.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    Indicates if the charge-item is to be charged only once or each time the charge_on_event occurs. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    optional, enumerated string
    Indicates when the charge-item is to be charged. This parameter only applies to charge-items.
    Possible values are
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    immediatelyThe item is charged immediately on being added to the subscription.on_eventThe item is charged at the occurrence of the event specified as charge_on_event.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string
    The amount on the quote to which the discount is applied.
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    required, enumerated string, default=forever
    Specifies the time duration for which this discount is attached to the subscription.
    Possible values are
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    one_timeThe discount stays attached to the subscription till it is applied on an invoice once. It is removed after that from the subscription.foreverThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices till it is explicitly removed.limited_periodThe discount is attached to the subscription and applied on the invoices for a limited duration. This duration starts from the point it is applied to an invoice for the first time and expires after a period specified by period and period_unit.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The duration of time for which the discount is attached to the subscription, in period_units. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    optional, enumerated string
    The unit of time for period. Applicable only when duration_type is limited_period.
    Possible values are
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    dayA period of 24 hours.weekA period of 7 days.monthA period of 1 calendar month.yearA period of 1 calendar year.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, boolean
    The discount is included in MRR calculations for your site. This attribute is only applicable when duration_type is one_time and when the feature is enabled in Chargebee. Also, If the site-level setting is to exclude one-time discounts from MRR calculations, this value is always returned false.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price in the subscription to which the discount is to be applied. Relevant only when apply_on = specific_item_price.
    required, enumerated string
    The operation to be carried out for the discount.
    Possible values are
    addThe discount is attached to the subscription.removeThe discount (given by discounts[id]) is removed from the subscription. Subsequent invoices will no longer have the discount applied. Tip: If you want to replace a discount, remove it and add another in the same API call.
    addThe discount is attached to the subscription.removeThe discount (given by discounts[id]) is removed from the subscription. Subsequent invoices will no longer have the discount applied. Tip: If you want to replace a discount, remove it and add another in the same API call.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The id of the discount to be removed. This parameter is only relevant when discounts[operation_type] is remove.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price for which the tier price is being overridden.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The lowest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, integer
    The highest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    The overridden price of the tier. The value depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the the lowest value of quantity in this tier. This is zero for the lowest tier. For all other tiers, it is the same as ending_unit_in_decimal of the next lower tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the highest value of quantity in this tier. This attribute is not applicable for the highest tier. For all other tiers, it must be equal to the starting_unit_in_decimal of the next higher tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. When the pricing_model is stairstep, it is the decimal representation of the total price for the item. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the plan is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, enumerated string
    Pricing type for the tier.
    Possible values are
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    Package size for the tier when pricing type is package. Specify the number of units that make up one package. For example, if 1000 API hits are grouped into a single package, set the package size to 1000.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription

    Sample admin console URL

    Creates a quote using charge-items and one-time charges.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/create_for_charge_items_and_charges \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d customer_id="__test__KyVlFpS4cWCm4J" \
         -d "item_prices[item_price_id][0]"="ssl-charge-USD" 
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/create_for_charge_items_and_charges \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d customer_id="__test__KyVlFpS4cWCm4J" \
         -d "item_prices[item_price_id][0]"="ssl-charge-USD" 

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 500,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 500,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWCm4J",
            "date": 1517485104,
            "id": "2",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 500,
                    "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWCm4J",
                    "date_from": 1517485104,
                    "date_to": 1517485104,
                    "description": "SSL Charge USD Monthly",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "ssl-charge-USD",
                    "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWCzmS",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 500
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517485104000,
            "status": "open",
            "sub_total": 500,
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 500,
            "total_payable": 500,
            "updated_at": 1517485104,
            "valid_till": 1517596199,
            "version": 1

    URL Format POST



    optional, string, max chars=100
    The quote name will be used as the pdf name of the quote.
    required, string, max chars=50
    Identifier of the customer for which the quote needs to be created.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    Purchase Order Number for this quote.
    optional, string, max chars=2000
    Notes specific to this quote that you want customers to see on the quote PDF.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    Quotes will be valid till this date. After this quote will be marked as closed.
    required if Multicurrency is enabled, string, max chars=3
    The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the quote.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The 'One Time' coupon to be applied.
    optional, list of string
    List of Coupons to be added.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The first name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The last name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=70
    The email address.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    The company name.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The phone number.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 1
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 2
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 3
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The name of the city.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
    optional, string, max chars=20
    Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

    Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


    If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    The address verification status.
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    A unique ID for your system to identify the item price.
    optional, integer, min=1
    Item price quantity
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the quantity of the item purchased. Can be provided for quantity-based item prices and only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The price or per-unit-price of the item price. By default, it is the value set for the item_price. This is only applicable when the pricing_model of the item_price is flat_fee or per_unit. The value depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the price or per-unit price of the plan. The value is in major units of the currency. Always returned when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    Defines service period of the item in days from the day of charge.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price to which this tier belongs.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The lowest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, integer
    The highest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    The per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. The total cost for the item price when the pricing_model is stairstep. The value is in the minor unit of the currency.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the the lowest value of quantity in this tier. This is zero for the lowest tier. For all other tiers, it is the same as ending_unit_in_decimal of the next lower tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the highest value of quantity in this tier. This attribute is not applicable for the highest tier. For all other tiers, it must be equal to the starting_unit_in_decimal of the next higher tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. When the pricing_model is stairstep, it is the decimal representation of the total price for the item. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the plan is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, enumerated string
    Pricing type for the tier.
    Possible values are
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    Package size for the tier when pricing type is package. Specify the number of units that make up one package. For example, if 1000 API hits are grouped into a single package, set the package size to 1000.
    optional, in cents, min=1
    The amount to be charged. The unit depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the amount for the one-time charge. The value is in major units of the currency. Applicable only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    Description for this charge
    optional, enumerated string
    Indicates the type of sale carried out. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.
    Possible values are
    wholesaleTransaction is a sale to another company that will resell your product or service to another consumerretailTransaction is a sale to an end userconsumedTransaction is for an item that is consumed directlyvendor_useTransaction is for an item that is subject to vendor use tax
    wholesaleTransaction is a sale to another company that will resell your product or service to another consumerretailTransaction is a sale to an end userconsumedTransaction is for an item that is consumed directlyvendor_useTransaction is for an item that is subject to vendor use tax
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer
    Indicates the type of product to be taxed. Values for this field can be taken from Avalara. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.
    optional, integer
    Indicates the type of service for the product to be taxed. Values for this field can be taken from Avalara. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.
    optional, integer
    Service period for charge
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency. Either this parameter or charges[discount_percentage] should be passed.
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it. Either this parameter or charges[discount_amount] should be passed.
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency.
    required, enumerated string
    The amount on the quote to which the discount is applied.
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price in the subscription to which the discount is to be applied. Relevant only when apply_on = specific_item_price.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    Name of the tax provider.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The unique identifier belonging to a tax vendor when they are onboarded with Chargebee.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The value of the corresponding tax field.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_charge quoted_charge
    Resource object representing quoted_charge

    Sample admin console URL

    Changes the quote produced for adding one-time charges and charge items.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/5/edit_for_charge_items_and_charges \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "charges[amount][0]"=1520 \
         -d "charges[description][0]"="Service Charge" \
         -d "item_prices[item_price_id][0]"="ssl-charge-USD" 
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/5/edit_for_charge_items_and_charges \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d "charges[amount][0]"=1520 \
         -d "charges[description][0]"="Service Charge" \
         -d "item_prices[item_price_id][0]"="ssl-charge-USD" 

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 1520,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 1520,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWDzu12",
            "date": 1517485109,
            "id": "5",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 1520,
                    "customer_id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWDzu12",
                    "date_from": 1517485109,
                    "date_to": 1517485109,
                    "description": "Service Charge",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_type": "adhoc",
                    "id": "__test__KyVlFpS4cWE9a1G",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 1520
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517485109000,
            "status": "open",
            "sub_total": 1520,
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 1520,
            "total_payable": 1520,
            "updated_at": 1517485109,
            "valid_till": 1517596199,
            "version": 2

    URL Format POST



    optional, string, max chars=100
    Purchase Order Number for this quote.
    optional, string, max chars=2000
    Notes specific to this quote that you want customers to see on the quote PDF.
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    Quotes will be valid till this date. After this quote will be marked as closed.
    required if Multicurrency is enabled, string, max chars=3
    The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the quote.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The 'One Time' coupon to be applied.
    optional, list of string
    List of Coupons to be added.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The first name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    The last name of the contact.
    optional, string, max chars=70
    The email address.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    The company name.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The phone number.
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 1
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 2
    optional, string, max chars=150
    Address line 3
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The name of the city.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The ISO 3166-2 state/province code without the country prefix. Currently supported for USA, Canada and India. For instance, for Arizona (USA), set state_code as AZ (not US-AZ). For Tamil Nadu (India), set as TN (not IN-TN). For British Columbia (Canada), set as BC (not CA-BC).
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The state/province name. Is set by Chargebee automatically for US, Canada and India If state_code is provided.
    optional, string, max chars=20
    Zip or postal code. The number of characters is validated according to the rules specified here.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The billing address country of the customer. Must be one of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.

    Note: If you enter an invalid country code, the system will return an error.


    If you have enabled EU VAT in 2021 or later, or have manually enable the Brexit configuration, then XI (the code for United Kingdom – Northern Ireland) is available as an option.

    optional, enumerated string, default=not_validated
    The address verification status.
    Possible values are
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    not_validatedAddress is not yet validated.validAddress was validated successfully.partially_validThe address is valid for taxability but has not been validated for shipping.invalidAddress is invalid.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    A unique ID for your system to identify the item price.
    optional, integer, min=1
    Item price quantity
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the quantity of the item purchased. Can be provided for quantity-based item prices and only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The price or per-unit-price of the item price. By default, it is the value set for the item_price. This is only applicable when the pricing_model of the item_price is flat_fee or per_unit. The value depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the price or per-unit price of the plan. The value is in major units of the currency. Always returned when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, integer, min=1, max=730
    Defines service period of the item in days from the day of charge.
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price to which this tier belongs.
    optional, integer, min=1
    The lowest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, integer
    The highest value in the quantity tier.
    optional, in cents, default=0, min=0
    The per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. The total cost for the item price when the pricing_model is stairstep. The value is in the minor unit of the currency.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the the lowest value of quantity in this tier. This is zero for the lowest tier. For all other tiers, it is the same as ending_unit_in_decimal of the next lower tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=33
    The decimal representation of the highest value of quantity in this tier. This attribute is not applicable for the highest tier. For all other tiers, it must be equal to the starting_unit_in_decimal of the next higher tier. Returned only when the pricing_model is tiered, volume or stairstep and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the per-unit price for the tier when the pricing_model is tiered or volume. When the pricing_model is stairstep, it is the decimal representation of the total price for the item. The value is in major units of the currency. Returned when the plan is quantity-based and multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, enumerated string
    Pricing type for the tier.
    Possible values are
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    per_unitIndicates that the tier pricing is based on individual units. Customers are charged a fixed price per unit. For example, if the price per unit is $2 and the customer consumes 150 units, they will be charged $300 (150 × $2).flat_feeIndicates that the tier pricing is a flat fee, applied to the entire tier regardless of the number of units consumed. For the stairstep pricing model, pricing_type will be set to flat_fee by default. For example, if the flat fee for a tier is $100, the customer pays $100 whether they consume 1 unit or the maximum number of units within that tier.packageIndicates that the tier pricing is based on a package of units. Customers are charged for each block or package of units. For example, if the package size is 100 units and the cost per block is $20 consuming 400 units will result in a charge of $80 (4 × $20).
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer, min=1
    Package size for the tier when pricing type is package. Specify the number of units that make up one package. For example, if 1000 API hits are grouped into a single package, set the package size to 1000.
    optional, in cents, min=1
    The amount to be charged. The unit depends on the type of currency.
    optional, string, max chars=39
    The decimal representation of the amount for the one-time charge. The value is in major units of the currency. Applicable only when multi-decimal pricing is enabled.
    optional, string, max chars=250
    Description for this charge
    optional, enumerated string
    Indicates the type of sale carried out. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.
    Possible values are
    wholesaleTransaction is a sale to another company that will resell your product or service to another consumerretailTransaction is a sale to an end userconsumedTransaction is for an item that is consumed directlyvendor_useTransaction is for an item that is subject to vendor use tax
    wholesaleTransaction is a sale to another company that will resell your product or service to another consumerretailTransaction is a sale to an end userconsumedTransaction is for an item that is consumed directlyvendor_useTransaction is for an item that is subject to vendor use tax
    Show all values[+]
    optional, integer
    Indicates the type of product to be taxed. Values for this field can be taken from Avalara. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.
    optional, integer
    Indicates the type of service for the product to be taxed. Values for this field can be taken from Avalara. This is applicable only if you use Chargebee’s AvaTax for Communications integration.
    optional, integer
    Service period for charge
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency. Either this parameter or charges[discount_percentage] should be passed.
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it. Either this parameter or charges[discount_amount] should be passed.
    optional, double, min=0.01, max=100.0
    The percentage of the original amount that should be deducted from it.
    optional, in cents, min=0
    The value of the discount. The format of this value depends on the kind of currency.
    required, enumerated string
    The amount on the quote to which the discount is applied.
    Possible values are
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    invoice_amountThe discount is applied to the invoice sub_total.specific_item_priceThe discount is applied to the invoice.line_item.amount that corresponds to the item price specified by item_price_id.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    The id of the item price in the subscription to which the discount is to be applied. Relevant only when apply_on = specific_item_price.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    Name of the tax provider.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The unique identifier belonging to a tax vendor when they are onboarded with Chargebee.
    optional, string, max chars=50
    The value of the corresponding tax field.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_charge quoted_charge
    Resource object representing quoted_charge

    Sample admin console URL

    List all quotes.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes \
         -G  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         --data-urlencode limit=3 \
         --data-urlencode "status[in]"=["accepted"] \
         --data-urlencode "sort_by[asc]"=date
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes \
         -G  \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         --data-urlencode limit=3 \
         --data-urlencode "status[in]"=["accepted"] \
         --data-urlencode "sort_by[asc]"=date

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "list": [
                "quote": {
                    "amount_due": 4500,
                    "amount_paid": 0,
                    "billing_address": {
                        "first_name": "John",
                        "last_name": "Doe",
                        "object": "billing_address",
                        "validation_status": "not_validated"
                    "charge_on_acceptance": 4500,
                    "credits_applied": 0,
                    "currency_code": "USD",
                    "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5c91O",
                    "date": 1517494508,
                    "id": "4",
                    "line_item_discounts": [],
                    "line_item_taxes": [],
                    "line_items": [
                            "amount": 4000,
                            "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5c91O",
                            "date_from": 1517494508,
                            "date_to": 1517494508,
                            "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                            "discount_amount": 0,
                            "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                            "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                            "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5hA1Z",
                            "is_taxed": false,
                            "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                            "object": "line_item",
                            "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "tax_amount": 0,
                            "unit_amount": 4000
                    "object": "quote",
                    "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
                    "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
                    "resource_version": 1517494508444,
                    "status": "accepted",
                    "sub_total": 4500,
                    "taxes": [],
                    "total": 4500,
                    "total_payable": 4500,
                    "updated_at": 1517494508,
                    "valid_till": 1526134508,
                    "version": 1

    URL Format GET



    optional, integer, default=10, min=1, max=100
    The number of resources to be returned.
    optional, string, max chars=1000
    Determines your position in the list for pagination. To ensure that the next page is retrieved correctly, always set offset to the value of next_offset obtained in the previous iteration of the API call.
    optional, boolean, default=false
    If set to true, includes the deleted resources in the response. For the deleted resources in the response, the 'deleted' attribute will be 'true'.
    optional, string filter
    Sorts based on the specified attribute.
    Supported attributes : date
    Supported sort-orders : asc, desc

    Example sort_by[asc] = "date"
    This will sort the result based on the 'date' attribute in ascending(earliest first) order.
    Filter Params
    For operator usages, see the Pagination and Filtering section.
    optional, string filter
    The quote number. Acts as a identifier for quote and typically generated sequentially. Possible values are :
    Supported operators : is, is_not, starts_with, in, not_in

    Example id[is] = "123"
    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    The identifier of the customer this quote belongs to. Possible values are :
    Supported operators : is, is_not, starts_with, in, not_in

    Example customer_id[is] = "4gmiXbsjdm"
    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    To filter based on subscription_id.
    NOTE: Not to be used if consolidated invoicing feature is enabled.
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators : is, is_not, starts_with, is_present, in, not_in

    Example subscription_id[is] = "4gmiXbsjdm"
    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string, min chars=1 filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, enumerated string filter
    Possible values are : true, false
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, enumerated string filter
    Current status of this quote. Possible values are : open, accepted, declined, invoiced, closed
    Supported operators : is, is_not, in, not_in

    Example status[is] = "open"
    optional, enumerated string filter
    Possible values are : open, accepted, declined, invoiced, closed
    Supported operators :

    optional, enumerated string filter
    Possible values are : open, accepted, declined, invoiced, closed
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    Creation date of the quote. Typically this is the date on which quote is generated. Possible values are :
    Supported operators : after, before, on, between

    Example date[after] = "1435054328"
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    To filter based on updated at. This attribute will be present only if the resource has been updated after 2016-09-28. Possible values are :
    Supported operators : after, before, on, between

    Example updated_at[after] = "1243545465"
    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    optional, string filter
    Possible values are :
    Supported operators :

    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription
    next_offset next_offset
    optional, string, max chars=1000
    This attribute is returned only if more resources are present. To fetch the next set of resources use this value for the input parameter `offset`.

    Sample admin console URL

    This API retrieves all the quote line groups and lineitems for a quote.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/7/quote_line_groups \
         -G  \
         -u {site_api_key}:
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/7/quote_line_groups \
         -G  \
         -u {site_api_key}:

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "list": [
                "quote_line_group": {
                    "amount_due": 4500,
                    "amount_paid": 0,
                    "charge_event": "immediate",
                    "credits_applied": 0,
                    "id": "qlg___test__8aszcSOcl7oQ2N",
                    "line_item_discounts": [],
                    "line_item_taxes": [],
                    "line_items": [
                            "amount": 4000,
                            "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7j12D",
                            "date_from": 1517494516,
                            "date_to": 1517494516,
                            "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                            "discount_amount": 0,
                            "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                            "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                            "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl7oR2O",
                            "is_taxed": false,
                            "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                            "object": "line_item",
                            "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "tax_amount": 0,
                            "unit_amount": 4000
                    "object": "quote_line_group",
                    "sub_total": 4500,
                    "taxes": [],
                    "total": 4500,
                    "version": 1

    URL Format GET



    optional, integer, default=10, min=1, max=100
    The number of resources to be returned.
    optional, string, max chars=1000
    Determines your position in the list for pagination. To ensure that the next page is retrieved correctly, always set offset to the value of next_offset obtained in the previous iteration of the API call.
    quote_line_group quote_line_group
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote_line_group
    next_offset next_offset
    optional, string, max chars=1000
    This attribute is returned only if more resources are present. To fetch the next set of resources use this value for the input parameter `offset`.

    Sample admin console URL

    This API is to convert a quote to an invoice.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/1/convert \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/1/convert \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "customer": {
            "allow_direct_debit": false,
            "auto_collection": "on",
            "card_status": "valid",
            "created_at": 1517494504,
            "deleted": false,
            "excess_payments": 0,
            "first_name": "John",
            "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl4hbQ",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "net_term_days": 0,
            "object": "customer",
            "payment_method": {
                "gateway": "chargebee",
                "gateway_account_id": "gw___test__8at1FSOcl3IX1y",
                "object": "payment_method",
                "reference_id": "tok___test__8aszcSOcl4n5R",
                "status": "valid",
                "type": "card"
            "pii_cleared": "active",
            "preferred_currency_code": "USD",
            "primary_payment_source_id": "pm___test__8aszcSOcl4nKS",
            "promotional_credits": 0,
            "refundable_credits": 0,
            "resource_version": 1517494504941,
            "taxability": "taxable",
            "unbilled_charges": 0,
            "updated_at": 1517494504
        "invoice": {
            "adjustment_credit_notes": [],
            "amount_adjusted": 0,
            "amount_due": 0,
            "amount_paid": 4500,
            "amount_to_collect": 0,
            "applied_credits": [],
            "base_currency_code": "USD",
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl4hbQ",
            "date": 1517494506,
            "deleted": false,
            "due_date": 1517494506,
            "dunning_attempts": [],
            "exchange_rate": 1,
            "first_invoice": true,
            "has_advance_charges": false,
            "id": "__demo_inv__1",
            "is_gifted": false,
            "issued_credit_notes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 4000,
                    "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl4hbQ",
                    "date_from": 1517494506,
                    "date_to": 1517494506,
                    "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                    "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                    "id": "li___test__8aszcSOcl5Bvi",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "tax_exempt_reason": "tax_not_configured",
                    "unit_amount": 4000
            "linked_orders": [],
            "linked_payments": [
                    "applied_amount": 4500,
                    "applied_at": 1517494506,
                    "txn_amount": 4500,
                    "txn_date": 1517494506,
                    "txn_id": "txn___test__8aszcSOcl5Fuk",
                    "txn_status": "success"
            "net_term_days": 0,
            "new_sales_amount": 4500,
            "object": "invoice",
            "paid_at": 1517494506,
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "recurring": false,
            "resource_version": 1517494506800,
            "round_off_amount": 0,
            "status": "paid",
            "sub_total": 4500,
            "tax": 0,
            "term_finalized": true,
            "total": 4500,
            "updated_at": 1517494506,
            "write_off_amount": 0
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 4500,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 4500,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl4hbQ",
            "date": 1517494506,
            "id": "1",
            "invoice_id": "__demo_inv__1",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 4000,
                    "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl4hbQ",
                    "date_from": 1517494505,
                    "date_to": 1517494505,
                    "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                    "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl55eb",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 4000
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517494506843,
            "status": "invoiced",
            "sub_total": 4500,
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 4500,
            "total_payable": 4500,
            "updated_at": 1517494506,
            "valid_till": 1526134505,
            "version": 1

    URL Format POST



    optional, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    The document date displayed on the invoice PDF. Provide this value to backdate the invoice. Backdating an invoice is done for reasons such as booking revenue for a previous date or when the subscription is effective as of a past date. When not provided, the value is the same as current date. Moreover, if the invoice is created as pending, and if the site is configured to set invoice dates to date of closing, then upon invoice closure, this date is changed to the invoice closing date. taxes and line_item_taxes are computed based on the tax configuration as of invoice_date. When passing this parameter, the following prerequisites must be met:
    • invoice_date must be in the past.
    • invoice_date is not more than one calendar month into the past. For example, if today is 13th January, then you cannot pass a value that is earlier than 13th December.
    • The date is not earlier than quoted_subscription.start_date or quoted_subscription.changes_scheduled_at (whichever is applicable).
    • invoice_immediately must be true.
    optional, boolean
    If there are charges raised immediately for the subscription, this parameter specifies whether those charges are to be invoiced immediately or added to unbilled charges. The default value is as per the site settings.
    Note: invoice_immediately only affects charges that are raised at the time of execution of this API call. Any charges scheduled to be raised in the future are not affected by this parameter.
    optional, boolean
    This attribute is set to true automatically for the subscription when it has one or more metered items. However, when there are no metered items, you can pass this parameter as true to force all invoices (except the first) to be created as pending. This is useful in the following scenarios:
    • When you manage metered billing at your end by calculating usage-based charges yourself and add them to the subscription as one-time charges.
    • When your workflow involves inspecting all charges before you close invoices.


    • You must enable Metered Billing for this parameter to be acceptable.
    • To create the first invoice also as pending, pass first_invoice_pending as true.
    optional, boolean, default=false

    Non-metered items are billed at the beginning of a billing cycle while metered items are billed at the end. Consequently, the first invoice of the subscription contains only the non-metered items.

    By passing this parameter as true, you create the first invoice as pending allowing you to add the previous term’s metered charges to it before closing. This is useful when the subscription is moved to Chargebee from a different billing system. As applicable to all pending invoices, this invoice is also closed automatically or via an API call.


    This parameter is passed only when there are metered items in the subscription or when create_pending_invoices is true.

    optional, string, max chars=50
    Applicable only for create subscription quote.
    optional, enumerated string
    Applicable only for create subscription quote.
    Possible values are
    onWhenever an invoice is created for this subscription, an automatic charge will be attempted on the payment method available.offAutomatic collection of charges will not be made for this subscription. Use this for offline payments.
    onWhenever an invoice is created for this subscription, an automatic charge will be attempted on the payment method available.offAutomatic collection of charges will not be made for this subscription. Use this for offline payments.
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=100
    Purchase order number for this subscription.
    optional, boolean
    When auto-closing of invoices is enabled for the site, you can pass this parameter as false to prevent the automatic closing of invoices for this subscription. The value passed here takes precedence over the value stored at the customer level.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription
    quoted_charge quoted_charge
    Resource object representing quoted_charge
    customer customer
    always returned
    Resource object representing customer
    subscription subscription
    Resource object representing subscription
    invoice invoice
    Resource object representing invoice
    credit_note credit_note
    Resource object representing credit_note
    unbilled_charges unbilled_charges
    Resource object representing unbilled_charges

    Sample admin console URL

    Updates the status of the quote. Status can be updated to Accepted, Declined, and Closed.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/9/update_status \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d status="ACCEPTED"
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/9/update_status \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d status="ACCEPTED"

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 4500,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 4500,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl82K2h",
            "date": 1517494517,
            "id": "9",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 4000,
                    "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl82K2h",
                    "date_from": 1517494517,
                    "date_to": 1517494517,
                    "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                    "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl88r2s",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 4000
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517494518019,
            "status": "accepted",
            "sub_total": 4500,
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 4500,
            "total_payable": 4500,
            "updated_at": 1517494518,
            "valid_till": 1526134517,
            "version": 1

    URL Format POST



    required, enumerated string
    Status to update for the quote.
    Possible values are
    Show all values[+]
    optional, string, max chars=300
    An internal comment to be added for this operation, to the quote. This comment is displayed on the Chargebee UI. It is not displayed on any customer-facing Hosted Page or any document such as the Quote PDF.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription
    quoted_charge quoted_charge
    Resource object representing quoted_charge

    Sample admin console URL

    Can be used to extend the expiry date of a quote.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/3/extend_expiry_date \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d valid_till=1534774507
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/3/extend_expiry_date \
         -u {site_api_key}:\
         -d valid_till=1534774507

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 4500,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 4500,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5Th17",
            "date": 1517494507,
            "id": "3",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 4000,
                    "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5Th17",
                    "date_from": 1517494507,
                    "date_to": 1517494507,
                    "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                    "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5ZS1I",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 4000
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517494507969,
            "status": "open",
            "sub_total": 4500,
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 4500,
            "total_payable": 4500,
            "updated_at": 1517494507,
            "valid_till": 1534774507,
            "version": 1

    URL Format POST



    required, timestamp(UTC) in seconds
    Quote will be valid till this date. After this date quote will be marked as closed.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription
    quoted_charge quoted_charge
    Resource object representing quoted_charge

    Sample admin console URL

    Delete a quote using this API.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/2/delete \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/2/delete \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "quote": {
            "amount_due": 4500,
            "amount_paid": 0,
            "billing_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "object": "billing_address",
                "validation_status": "not_validated"
            "charge_on_acceptance": 4500,
            "credits_applied": 0,
            "currency_code": "USD",
            "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5L2q",
            "date": 1517494507,
            "id": "2",
            "line_item_discounts": [],
            "line_item_taxes": [],
            "line_items": [
                    "amount": 4000,
                    "customer_id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5L2q",
                    "date_from": 1517494507,
                    "date_to": 1517494507,
                    "description": "Encryption Charge USD Monthly",
                    "discount_amount": 0,
                    "entity_id": "encryption-charge-USD",
                    "entity_type": "charge_item_price",
                    "id": "__test__8aszcSOcl5QU11",
                    "is_taxed": false,
                    "item_level_discount_amount": 0,
                    "object": "line_item",
                    "pricing_model": "flat_fee",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "tax_amount": 0,
                    "unit_amount": 4000
            "object": "quote",
            "operation_type": "onetime_invoice",
            "price_type": "tax_exclusive",
            "resource_version": 1517494507372,
            "status": "open",
            "sub_total": 4500,
            "taxes": [],
            "total": 4500,
            "total_payable": 4500,
            "updated_at": 1517494507,
            "valid_till": 1526134507,
            "version": 1

    URL Format POST



    optional, string, max chars=300
    Reason for deleting quote. This comment will be added to the subscription entity if the quote belongs to a subscription or added to the customer entity if the quote is associated only with a customer.
    quote quote
    always returned
    Resource object representing quote
    quoted_subscription quoted_subscription
    Resource object representing quoted_subscription
    quoted_charge quoted_charge
    Resource object representing quoted_charge

    Sample admin console URL

    Retrieves the quote as a PDF. The returned URL is secure, allows download and expires in 60 minutes.


    Sample Request
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/6/pdf \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:
    Click to Copy
    curl  https://{site}.chargebee.com/api/v2/quotes/6/pdf \
         -X POST  \
         -u {site_api_key}:

    Sample Response [ JSON ]

    Show more...
        "download": {
            "download_url": "https://cb-local-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/yourapp/quote/__test__8aszcSOcl6k02B.pdf?response-content-disposition=attachment%3Bfilename%3Dyourapp%2Fquote%2F__test__8aszcSOcl6k02B.pdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20210210T141516Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=599&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJI4SN7ONHAOGLOGA%2F20210210%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=d7b1382e1dbe9de4cd1f900abb7df9596ebb54d936083da898ca3931ba91de5e",
            "object": "download",
            "valid_till": 1612967116

    URL Format POST



    optional, boolean, default=false
    When true, the quote PDF has summary of all charges on the quote. When false, the quote PDF has a detailed view of charges grouped by charge event. This parameter does not affect one-time quotes.
    optional, enumerated string, default=attachment
    Determines the pdf should be rendered as inline or attachment in the browser.
    Possible values are
    attachmentPDF is rendered as attachment in the browserinlinePDF is rendered as inline in the browser
    attachmentPDF is rendered as attachment in the browserinlinePDF is rendered as inline in the browser
    Show all values[+]
    download download
    always returned
    Resource object representing download

    Sample admin console URL
